A New Chapter

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Courtney POV:

"I can't believe we're gonna spend the summer together!" Gwen squealed.

"I know! I already have everything planned out!" I said while also showing her the list I made.

"You've already made a list? That is so Courtney of you. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that you, Courtney, got your parents to let you come stay with me. I guess I've rubbed off on you." Gwen smirked proudly.

Gwen and I giggled and gossiped until it was twelve a.m. I knew I needed to get some rest, but I decided I was gonna check my suitcase one last time before I leave tomorrow. As I suspected, nothing was missing. I could finally go to bed without any worries.

I woke up at 5:40 on the dot. I now regret staying up so late talking to Gwen. I skipped over to my bathroom and took a cold shower to wake me up.

"Courtney are you up yet?" my mom said trying not to wake anybody up.

"Yeah I'm in the shower. Five minutes please!" I said while washing my hair.

"We leave in an hour, so make it snappy!" she quietly tiptoed out of the room.

At the airport

"I'm gonna miss you sweetheart!" I kind of felt bad for leaving my mom, but I am still really excited to visit my old home.

"I'm going to miss you, too. And don't worry I have everything. I'll call you every night. I love you." I could see her start to tear up.

"I love you, too. Be safe and say hi to Gwen for me." after a quick hug I made my way to the flight. I decided I was going to get as much sleep as possible while on the plane.

"All passengers may make their way to the exit. Make sure to take all of your belongings and have a great rest of your day."

I could feel my heart beating fast. I'm so excited to see Gwen! Her and her mom were going to meet me outside. I skipped over to the conveyor belt and got my luggage.

Making my way outside I searched for Gwen and her mom. Next thing I know I'm getting picked up and spun around.

"Gwen!" I squealed full of excitement.

"Courtney!" she screamed.

We hugged and jumped up and down while her mom put my luggage in their red van. We couldn't contain our excitement. We talked, talked, and talked some more.

"I've really missed you!" I said while holding her hand.

"Not as much as I've missed you! We have a lot of catching up to do!" I grinned ear to ear.

As soon as we arrived at the house we were running up the stairs while carrying up my luggage. We open the door to see to twin beds, one with black, blue, and green, and the other with grey and pink covers.

We left the luggage in the middle of the room and sat on our beds. It feels like I never left. Even their house looked the same. I used to come here every other day. If we weren't at Gwen's we were at mine. Like two peas in a pod.

"So what are we doing first?" I said looking around.

We slowly looked at each other. A slow smirk was forming on Gwen's face.

"PILOW FIGHT!" We screamed while flinging pillows at each other.

After fighting we went to get a snack and watch a movie. Soon we both drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I awoke it was already morning. I looked to see if Gwen was awake. To my surprise she wasn't there. I got changed and ran down stairs.

"Courtney?" I heard a familiar voice. "Is that you?"

"Bridgette?" I couldn't believe my eyes. We both squealed at the same time and ran to hug each other.

"So it's true. You really are back! Are you moving back for good?" I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"No, I'm only hear for the summer. How have you been?" I saw the excitement leave her face.

"Well I'm on the volleyball team."

"Captain of the volleyball team." Gwen chimed in.

Bridgette blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah, captain. I also have a boyfriend." I could tell she felt hesitant to tell me.

"Who is it?" I asked even more curious.

"Well you might know him. It's Geoff." I could see her face become pink.

"Didn't he bully Harold, Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Cody, Noah, and Dawn?" I tried not to make a disgusted face.

"He's changed! He told me he doesn't do any of that anymore. He's changed since freshman year." I could tell Bridgette had already fallen head over heels for Geoff, but I still don't trust him or his friends.

I looked to Gwen who rolled her eyes. I put my hand on Bridgette hoping it would make her feel a little better. She stopped being so tense and smiled.

I know Bridgette really likes Geoff, but I know him and the crowd he runs with. During freshman year, Geoff and his posse, Duncan, Alejandro, Scott, Tyler, and Justin would beat up people just for looking at them wrong. If you were just a little different they would start rumours, fight, and skip class. I get people can change, but I'll never forget what happened.

We decided that tomorrow we would go to one of our old favorite places to eat, the diner.

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