New Vs. Old

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Duncan POV:


What. Have. I. Done.

Sin #1 - I got with my ex girlfriends bestfriend after she moved.

Sin #2 - I threatened Scott for flirting with said ex girlfriend.

Sin #3 - I ghosted the bestfriend ever since the ex girlfriend got back.

Sin #4 - I hid from my true feelings and used the bestfriend as a distraction.

I began to repeatedly smack myself in the head for being what Courtney would call an ogre. I've done a lot of terrible things in my life, but I've never gotten caught. This time might be the first.

I did what any idiot whose trying to keep a secret would do. I invited my ex girlfriend and her bestfriend, who I've been seeing behind her back with, to the same place.

I wasn't even thinking straight. I was so awestruck by seeing Courtney again that I completely acted as if I were under the influence. What the HELL was I thinking?

So many things could go wrong. For example, Courtney could find out about me and Gwen, or Gwen would kick my ass for ignoring her since Courtney got back in town, or, even better, Scott could try to make a move on Courtney. Not that I care or anything, but it's breaking bro code...or whatever.

Why would I let Geoff convince me to do this? Guy's a total mess when he's around Bridgette. If I think about it, ITS HIS FAULT! He pretty much just invited everyone.

I don't even like half of them. I put up with Heather because of Alejandro, Bridgette is always clinging to Geoff like a helpless puppy, Multiple Mike makes me wanna stick a fork in my eye especially his friends, Trent is constantly hitting on Gwen, and Lindsay is so dumb she can't even remember her boyfriend's damn name!

Where's Zoey's blow the candle method when you need it?

After an hour of freaking the fuck out, Geoff, Alejandro, Tyler, Justin, and Dirt Boy showed up. In each of their arms they were carrying bags of what looked to be food. Except for Geoff who had a big cardboard box.

"What's that?" I questioned.

"Nice to see you, too." Alejandro replied sarcastically.

"No I mean hey, but what does Geoff have?" I repeated.

"A surprise." Justin snickered.

"What are you talking about?" My voice became loud.

"Hey calm down man." Tyler replied in a condescending tone.

Geoff unboxed the cardboard box on the coffee table. In the box it was revealed that Geoff had bought alcohol.

"You brought alcohol to my house!" I was enraged at this point.

"Yeah I thought it would make the party better?" He sounded innocent.

"This is NOT a party. How did you even get it?" I was fighting the urge of murdering Geoff.

"Chill man we got DJ to get, so if we get caught with it DJ will be the one in trouble." Justin smiled proudly.

"You forced DJ? Of all people." I face palmed my self. What an idiot. DJ has a conscious and will break easily if people even look at him wrong.

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