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Courtney's POV:

"What was Heather talking about?" I whisper.

"I don't know. You know Heather, though. Always being crazy." She laughs but it sounds stiff and forced.

I don't want to believe Heather, but why would she say that  when she could have said anything else. It just seems a bit weird to accuse someone of something so serious.

"How was the closet with Scott?" I pray the jealousy doesn't show.

"It was... okay."

"Just okay? What did you guys talk about?"

"We didn't really talk." She looks back at her diary.

I swear my stomach dropped once the words came out of her mouth. If they weren't talking, what were they doing? She wouldn't kiss him. She wouldn't do that to me. Would she?

"Then what did you do?"

"We didn't talk. We... Stood in silence. It was really awkward and uncomfortable." Gwen folds her arms.

"Oh, okay." I try not to feel jealous that Gwen and Scott got to spend time alone.

It's wrong for me to like him anyway. He's technically Duncan's friend, even though they haven't been talking lately. That's another thing that's weird. They used to hang out all the time. Maybe I've been away for a while, but I didn't think they could be so distant towards each other.

As we grew up, we find different friends. That's apart of life. You live and learn. I've had to deal with my fair share of friends, both good and bad.

Believe it or not, Heather and I used to be the most popular in school. Gwen had pretty much ditched me for Lashawna and Bridgette, so I had to make more friends on my own. Especially since Scott had started to hang around boys more.

This situation left me with two options: stay a loner freak or put myself out there. Obviously I chose the second option. It seemed promising.

I had found a friendship with Heather. Yes, the Heather. She was nice and welcoming. We ruled the school together. Being both cheerleaders and the top of our class. We were unstoppable.

Then, we drifted apart after I made up with Gwen and Bridgette. It was sad. I post one of the best friends I ever had. I tried to mend our friendship, but it was never the same. Mostly because of the girls I hung out with and Heather's controlling behavior. It became even worse when she kissed Trent, Gwen's boyfriend at the time.

Every since then, our groups have been at each other's throats. We only put up with each other because of our mutual friends. Other than that we wouldn't be near each other.

"If you had a deep secret you couldn't tell me, what would you do?" Gwen says, interrupting my thoughts.

"I don't keep secrets from you. Your my best friend." I smile and continue walking.

"I know, but if you did, what would you do?" Gwen's eyes never leave the ground.

"I guess I would just tell you. It would save us trouble in the long run."

She nods her head but doesn't say anything.

"Do you have a secret?" I say.

There's a moment of silence before she answers. "No."

That's it. That's  all she says to me.

"Are you keeping a secret from me?" I put my hand on her shoulder and stiffens.

"I don't have one, but I'll let you know if I do." She moves ahead of me.

I don't want to ask her this, but I have to know. I won't be able to think about anything else if I don't.

"Do you like Scott?" I force out.

"What? No!" She looks at me, concern filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Your acting so weird. First, you haven't looked at me since the incident. Second, you ask me weird questions about secrets, and now your being all cryptic. What's up Gwen?"

"This isn't about Scott," She says loudly.

"Then what is it about?" I step infront of her.

She doesn't say anything. Again. My frustration is building. I don't want to pry or be rude, but we won't get anywhere without finding the root of the problem. If there even is a problem.

"Is it about Duncan?" I ask in full panic.

I'm met with silence. Silence that is accompanied by wide eyes and a pale face.

"No! Why would you say that?" Her voice is louder than before.

"Why would Heather say something like that? Don't you think it's a little strange that Heather would say something that out of line?" I ask.

"Who cares about what Heather said," She yells. "Last time I checked you are my best friend not Heathers. Heather doesn't even know what she's talking about."

She's wrong though. I know Heather. When she says something, 9 times out of 10 it's true. Though Heather is also known for being a backstabber. But to me? No way. Maybe? This is too much.

"I care! Do you or do you not like Duncan?"

"How can you even ask that? Of course not. I'm your best friend. The fact you would eve  say that breaks my heart."

I feel a tear fall down my face.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Me, too."

She pulls me into a hug.

Of course she wouldn't do that to me.

Authors Note:

I'm sorry once again. I did my best but it still pretty bad. Again, my apologies.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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