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Courtney POV:

As I was talking to DJ and Gwen I noticed there were drinks set up in the kitchen and decided to get one.

"Hey I'm gonna grab a drink. You guys want anything?" I asked looking at Gwen And DJ.

"No I think we're good." Gwen replied while looking over at DJ.

As I pushed past all of my former classmates, I bumped into a tall red head. Making me fall to the ground.

"Sorry!" It was Scott.

"It's alright." He held his hand out and I took it.

"I can't believe you still have my shoelace." He smiled his sweet smile.

"I always wear it. Why would I all of a sudden get rid of it?" I questioned.

"I just didn't think after you moved you would still wear it because you wouldn't see me anymore." He hung his head.

"I would NEVER get rid of it. That would mean I divorced you. I would never fo that to you Scotty." I said as I ruffled his red hair. I can't believe I just said that!

"Uhm do you uh-" He stuttered over his words.

"Do I what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Do want to dance...with me?" A faint blush appeared on his face.

"Uh sure?" I said trying to ignore it.

"You- you don't uhm-" Again with the stuttering. He was too cute.

"I want to." I took his hand.

When we made it to the "dance floor", Scott looked extremely embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just nervous." He said chuckling.

"It's okay." I gave a comforting smile.

We began to dance as he told joke after joke. Although his jokes were just him embarrassing himself which made it funnier. He had his hands on my hips when I heard my name being called.


I turn and see Gwen, Bridgette, Zoey, and Geoff with dropped jaws. I quickly pushed Scott away.

"It's not what it looks like!" I could feel my face burning like a wildfire while trying to explain.

"Yeah what she said. We were just-" Scott was trying to explain, but ended up talking a bunch of gibberish.

I caught sight of Zoey whose hair and make up were messed up. She looked like she'd been crying.

"Hey what happened?" I rushed over to Zoey and reached for her hand, but she pulled away.

"Mike cheated on me with Anne-Maria and I ended up getting into a fight with her. Duncan and Alejandro took care of them though."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I should have been there for you. I'm sor-"

"It's okay. I'll be okay. I want to have fun and enjoy my night." She smiled but I could tell she was still hurting. "Besides we'll talk later." She looked over at Scott who was hiding behind me. "We have to." She smirked.

For the rest of the night we danced and partied like there was no tomorrow. Zoey ended up dancing with some guys from school.

After hours of dancing people began to leave and so did we. Duncan, Scott, and Geoff walked us home.

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