destiny 18+

86 9 4

Trigger Warning: Contains scenes of violence, rape and murder


Chan had been behind the door for a while now, but Venice still stood motionless, staring at it.
Desperately he tried to process what was said.

'He has always loved me and still does!'

These words circled in his head like a mantra.
It was only the ringing of his mobile phone that brought him back to the present.
"Venice? I won't be coming home tonight. The appointment is dragging on and I'll be staying at the hotel in a moment. Love you, see you tomorrow."
Before Venice could even say anything, she threw up again.

Lost in thought, he stared at the black display.
'What am I going to do now?' he thought desperately.

How often had he dreamed of this moment; that Chan stands in front of him and explains that everything was a huge mistake, that he still loved him and only wanted to be with him.
And now it had become real.
But the timing couldn't have been more shitty.
Venice was torn apart inside.

Suddenly Vegas showed up in the office.
Immediately he noticed that something was wrong with his son.

"What happened?" he asked worried and looked at him critically when he didn't answer.
"Did you argue?"
Venice looked up in surprise.

'How did he know about it?'

"What do you mean?" Venice asked cautiously.
"Peach is staying away tonight! So you guys got into a fight?"
Venice let out a relieved breath.

'Vegas didn't mean him and Chan.'

"What? No! Peach's appointment just lasts longer and that's why she stays right there.", he stammered awkwardly.
"Then why are you looking like you've seen a ghost?" Vegas asked.
"Chan just revealed his future plans to me," he said honestly, unable to come up with any excuses at the moment.

Vegas looked at him suspiciously.
"And that upsets you so much?" he asked in surprise, since he was convinced that they were both over each other.
"No, I'm just surprised... It's just been a long day and I'm tired." Venice tried to explain awkwardly and started walking.
"Are you sure everything is ok?"

Vegas didn't let up. While Venice was now badass in many ways, he was all the more sensitive when it came to the people he cared about.
But instead of answering, he just nodded and went to his room.
Reluctantly Vegas let him go.

In the middle of the living room Venice sank to the floor, lay on his back and stretched out on all fours.
He needed space and space to think.

When he woke up the next morning, everything hurt.
He was still on the floor.
At some point he had obviously just fallen asleep while he kept thinking about how things should go on now.
What he felt. Who was he willing to hurt more if he ended it all...?
Because one thing had become very clear to him last night; he loved them both and there was no more or less.

Peach still wasn't back.
Groaning, he got up and was about to go to the bathroom when there was a knock on the door and shortly afterwards Vegas was in his room.
He looked at his father in amazement, because normally he never came to him, to his rooms.
"I wanted to inform you personally that Chan has decided to fly to Taiwan today. Macau has some important business ahead of him and urgently needs someone at his side to lead his people!" Said apologetically and examined Venice's face .

Venice looked at him in shock.
"Was it really his decision or yours!" Venice asked through gritted teeth.
"I swear I didn't interfere! Still, I think it's better this way. You made a perfect choice with Peach and you shouldn't jeopardize that luck! You can't deny that you have doubts and torn since you've been back in Bangkok and around him," Vegas said with surprising empathy.

sidestory Venice&Chan to "you have the right to break my heart" english versionWhere stories live. Discover now