how to love, mookie cook

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how to love, lil wayne (playing now)
0:24 —──────── -4:00

VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

you had a lot of moments that didn't last forever
now you in a corner trying to put it together
how to love

i was sitting in my trailer on set of a new film i was acting in called shooting stars. it's about lebron james and the fab 4. i had a small role of a cheerleader the 5 were friends with at st. vincent.

i heard several banging noises coming from the sides and door of my trailer. i quickly wiped my tears and went to open the door.

"girl why you in here crying when you could be outside with the 5 best hoopers you ever met?" caleb mclaughlin asked me, walking into the trailer being followed by scoot henderon, avery wills jr, khalil everage, and mookie cook. "first of all none of you are hoopers except me and mookie." scoot said, pointing at caleb. "and second, i KNOW you not cryin over that fuck nigga again"

"you wouldn't be crying if you was with me." mookie said quietly in a sarcastic tone. only khalil and i heard, the first giving him a light shoulder push with a smile on his face while i laughed.

i rolled my eyes turning my attention back to scoot, pushing mookie over as he fell onto me, "why do y'all only burst in here when i'm crying?" i asked sarcastically. "because when are you not crying?" he asked. i once again rolled my eyes and turned away from them, fixing my position so i could lay back down, but now having to accommodate mookie being next to me.

avery groaned extra loud and sarcastically, walking out with a ball. caleb, scoot, and khalil followed him out, ready to hoop before we had to go film.

mookie stayed behind with me and leaned over to embrace me. "i know i joke a lot about us being together, but ima be serious for once. he ain't deserve you. you're perfect, and me personally? but for real though if you was with me..." he said shrugging at the end, causing me to laugh.

i was no longer crying, but laughing and smiling along with mookie instead. he stood up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up and to him. after one final hug we went outside hand in hand to join the rest of the cast.

maybe i would be in better hands with him.

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