Chapter 3: The Date

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Lauren and Ron took separate tables on the far right because they wanted there alone time but I kept a close eye just to make sure she was okay

Rick and I sat close by to them, and i have to admit sitting across from him was a bit awkward
I was now wearing a pair of jeans and a regular T-shirt at this very expensive looking restaurant

Rick I could tell could not keep his eyes off me and I blushed like a little school girl
"You have the most gorgeous eyes" he said looking into my eyes
I kept my eyes locked to my plate "so do you do this often?" I said trying to make a conversation
"Take strippers on dates?" He replied
I nodded but he didn't get to answer because the waitress came and eyed me

I sat there in awkwardness
"Katy get my usual, and what would you like?" He said looking at me
I looked at the menu one last time "um, a salad is fine"

"Haven't seen this lady before" Katy replied staring at me up and down
"She none of your concern Katy, please get our meal" Rick said shooing her away with his hands

I looked at him and thought wow that was rude
"Ummm" I started to say
"You never gave Me your name" Rick said looking at me with a smirk
"K...Krystal" I said turning to Lauren again and was appalled when I saw her sitting on Ron's Lap giggling as people stared

I shook my head, so unprofessional Lauren
"I guess your friend got comfortable, and that's kind of amazing because a lot of girls are intimidated by Ron" Rick said
The waitress came with our meal and drinks, she stared at me one last time before leaving
Geez what's her problem?

"You know you don't have to buy-
"Non sense" Rick said cutting me off and started cutting up his meat and taking a bite
"Yum, you wanna taste?" He asked
But he smashed the whole darn thing in my mouth

Once it touched my tongue I felt the warm flavor of the grilled meat, it was so good I drooled a little

Rick chuckled and I grabbed a napkin in embarrassment
"Here" he said holding up my chin with one hand and holding up a fork with a piece of meat with the other hand, trying to feed me like a baby

I responded by taking a bite, oh god this meat was life, whoever made it may god praise them
Afterwards we shared a conversation about each other, I was careful not to to tell him too much about him because I just met this guy

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked
He grinned and messed with his tie like Jesus does he wear suits everywhere he go?
"I own this restaurant" he said clearly gloating
I looked around impressed, the place was very packed
"And I'm psychiatrist doctor" he said waiting for me to praise him

"Oh that's cool" I said taking a bite of my salad
He chuckled "you don't seem impressed"
I smiled "well Dr Rick, I'm a professional stripper I think you already know that"
His smile turned upside down and he looked down at his plate

"What?" I asked
"Krystal, don't you think stripping-
"Its my life" I said cutting him of
I don't care how fine this man is, he can't tell me how to live my life, I stood up ready to leave
"Okay wait wait, sit down" he pleaded
I sat down slowly staring at him
"I'll make you an offer" he said licking meat juice at the corner of his mouth

I don't know why, but that kind of turned me on
But I shook the feeling and waited for his offer
"Quit stripping and work here" he said
I looked at him in total disbelief, I just met this stranger and he wants to hire me? There's gonna be a catch I know it

"I'm not going to sleep with you, I don't care how good looking you are" I said
He smiled "you think I'm good looking?"
I wanted to slap myself for saying that but my face softened when I realized he really meant what he said about helping me

"Why me?" I whispered looking at my hands because honestly making eye contact with him gave me butterflies
He grabbed my chin and looked at me "I don't know, there's just something about you"

I blushed
"And oh yeah, I'm still looking forward for my lap dance" he said sipping his tea
I laughed and let out a snort that I was ashamed of

He laughed "you are so adorable"
I was gonna reply but I heard an awful shriek "YOUR MARRIED!"
I turned to see Lauren give Ron a hard slap to the face
I got up instantly and ran to her aid
She grabbed her glass of water
"Don't throw it Lauren" I begged but of course she didn't listen

She threw her glass of water on top of Ron's head and i was amazed on how she got up there because Lauren is only 5'3 while Ron looked about 6'2
She then walked around me and ran out the restaurant and I stared at Ron in fury

He had His hands up high "it's not what it seems, we're going to get a divorce I swear"
"Screw you" I spat and I could feel eyes all on me, I turned to see people staring at me in disgust

Rick quickly grabbed me and I yanked free and ran to go comfort my friend
Who was in a ball crying

"Lauren,you can't be serious, I mean you only met him yesterday" I said hugging her
But she continued to wail
"He...he...he...said...he's me everything, then....then...his wife texted him!!" She cried
"How do you know that was his wife tho?"I questioned
She looked at me like I was stupid "because the caller ID said wife!!!" She yelled

"Oh sorry, I was thinking maybe he had a ring or something, but anyways let's get outta here" I said holding her and walking to my car
"Lauren wait!" I heard Ron yell
"Ignore him" I whispered but he came and grabbed Lauren from me I was gonna get her back but Rick grabbed me

"Why didn't you tell me Ron was married? I asked Rick
He hesitated and then I could feel raindrops
"Okay look, he's technically not because he is getting a divorce" he answered
I didn't know if I should believe him or not

I turned to see Ron holding her and kissing her forehead, and my face softened
"Meet me here tomorrow morning?" Rick asked
"Why?" I asked
"You'll see" he answered

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