Chapter 30-Fallen

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*Ron's point of view*
I walked into Krystal's room and found her on the bed not facing the door, I walked over to her so she could see me but her eyes looked passed me
"How are you feeling?" I asked
She didn't move a muscle
I sighed and patted her on the head, I didn't know what to say or do so I just stood there

The door opened and I saw unfamiliar faces
"We didn't know there was another person in this room, greetings I'm Detective Williams and this is Detective Davis" the woman said walking up to us

I shook both there hands and they turned there attention on frozen Krystal
"Hello Krystal" detective Davis said
No answer
"Krystal?" Detective Williams said holding on to Krystal's shoulder but Krystal brushed it off

"She...three of the close people of hers died today..." I whispered
They both nodded "we heard..and one of them was your wife right?" Detective Davis asked

I couldn't gulp a knot in my throat and I looked away
"We are both sorry for your losses" they both said
I nodded
"Now we have talked to Jesus and he confessed on-
"Whose Jesus?" I asked feeling confused because I thought only two people were involved in this horror, now a third person

"He was Enrique's twin brother, he told us Betty ordered him to kill of the Sanders family for a lot of money, but he failed and now he's at a different hospital getting treated for his wounds" she said
"Should have let him die" I heard Krystal say

The detectives looked at each other "we have also talked to Betty, she's at the same hospital as Jesus, once she's done with her treatment we are going to head her down to the station...but she asks for a request" detective Williams said

I was quiet waiting for the answer
"She..she wants to talk to Krystal" she said
That got Krystal's attention because she looked at them in disgust, even I was shocked

"Are you kidding me?" She said
"Now I know its sudden,and you have every right to be upset, no one is forcing you to talk-

"She killed off everyone because she was rejected by a married man! Why don't you two arrest her and send her to prison already! You have all the evidence you need! The hell is wrong with the both of you dumb fucks? get the hell out of my room-

"Now Mrs Jenson-
"Get the hell out!" Krystal repeated and I tried to calm her down by rubbing her shoulder's
"Just give her time to heal first...she's gone through....enough" I begged

They both nodded feeling sympathy
"By the way, how did she escape? I was told she was in the burning house and-
"She tried to escape Mr Hillard...but she was burning alive when we found her at the back, she has severe burns all over her body and face, its hard to recognize her-

"Good! now she's ugly inside and out! What she deserves!" Krystal said
"Well once you heal and's my card" detective Davis said giving Krystal his card
But Krystal kept her eyes closed so I took the card from him and nodded "thanks"

"We are both sorry again, we will contact you for any new info" they said
"All I ask is they be in prison for a very long long time" I said
"We will make sure of that" detective Davis said

Then they left
I looked down at Krystal who was staring right at me, I crouched down to face her
" was my fault Lauren died...she came back for me...and-
"We can't go back in time to change it,try not thinking about it alright...and you should really talk to Lilly" I said

I was expecting her to ask why but its like she already knew "thanks Ron" she said

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left

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