Chapter 17-Cry

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"Long time huh?" Izzy said still smirking
I just stood there in the middle as Rick and Izzy glared at each other
"Izzy" Izzy said pulling me away from Rick
Rick sighed "are you two going to gang up on me or something?"

Izzy pouted "no that's no fun, I'd rather see you slowly lose you're wife to my brother, now that's fun" she said smiling

"Don't tell me your still upset about what happened years ago" Rick said and I could tell he was getting angry
"Oh when you cheated on me? No I'd have to care to be angry" she said then tried to drag me away from Rick

"Wait please, hear me out" Rick pleaded
Izzy let go of me and marched up to his face"hear what? More of your lies? Pathetic Rick, you are never man enough to admit to your faults so you just have to sit there and see karma run its process"

Rick just stood there not saying anything but I could see he was hurting and I tried to look away but couldn't
"Cmon Krystal, you were right, we shouldn't have came to this lame party" Izzy said still staring at Rick

I grabbed her and we left that scene "I'm glad I let him have it" she whispered to me

I faked a smile and I tried not looking back but I did anyways and I saw him staring back at me, genuinely upset, my guilt arose more as I sat next to Ian, who had Lilly on his lap. Am I the heartless one now, I mean I got what I wanted so why aren't I happy

"You know a lot of people are staring" Ian whispered and I looked up and he was right, we had a lot of glances from people

"Let them stare" Lauren said who was sitting on Rons lap
"Well you guys do make a cute interracial couple" Ron chuckled
I looked up and smiled thanking to god on the friends I made, and even more glad that Ian and Ron got along, they even had some similarities

"Someday I hope I find love like you two" Izzy said sitting across from me
"You will" I smiled
"I need to go to the bathroom" Ian said and I took Lilly from him while he stood up

My heart started to thump hoping he doesn't run into Rick, god knows what will happen

A few minutes passed after Ian left and I relaxed but I quickly went tense when I heard someone clearing there throat

We all looked up and saw Rick and Mitch
"What's up bitch" Lauren said to Mitch
"Bitch?" Mitch said
"Yeah you got in my business and tried to tell Rick on me when we aren't even together" I said upset
Lauren giggled "wow and he's also a snitch"
"I'm a snitch for letting my best friend know that his wife was kissing another guy?" Mitch asked

"That's non of your business" Izzy said
"Oh hey Izzy longtime no see" Mitch said rolling his eyes
Izzy flared her nose and rolled her eyes
"You still mad about the divorce I see" Mitch commented
"The divorce that happened years ago? No I'm good" Izzy fired back

"Well I think you're upset cause Rick did everything for you and-

"Well you should have married him then!" Izzy yelled
Mitch closed his mouth and played with his watch
"We didn't come here to fight..I just came to say hey to my daughter" Rick said looking at Lilly who was covering her face from him

"Hmm looks like Lilly doesn't want to see you" Lauren said and then I remembered I never told her about Rick hitting me and Lilly witnessing everything

"Look, that still his daughter" Mitch said looking at Ron for help
"Hey don't look at me" Ron said
Rick sucked his teeth "how's your face Ron"
"Better then yours" Ron fired back
"Good one baby" Lauren said kissing Ron on the cheek
"Bitch" Mitch whispered

Lilly gasped "mommy he said the B word"
"What did you say to my wife?" Ron said getting up which triggered Izzy and Lauren to rise up
"Guys please don't" I said looking at all the stares from people, important people to be exact

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