Chapter 26-The battle of the ex's

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*Krystal's point of view*
"Mommy!" "Mommy!"
I didn't budge when I heard my name, I didn't even move when I heard Enrique's scream in pain as Betty shot him, all I concentrated on was applying pressure to Ian's wound, he had his eyes wide open and his breathing was raspy

"Don't die on me" I said with little hope, but I knew if he didn't get to a hospital right now, I'm going to lose him
Ian fought to keep his eyes open, and my tears were drowning his face, I smelled the gasoline that he was drenched with

I kept looking back to Lauren who was still not moving
"Mommy!" Lilly said from behind the couch
I looked at her and she showed me Rick's cell phone, I raised both eyebrows not knowing if I wanted her to call the cops or not

If that crazy Betty found out I knew she would blow Lilly's head off, she clearly showed me she had no mercy, I had to stall her

"Betty I don't understand why you're doing this to me" I said
She was in full view wiping Enrique's blood from her hands, she smirked and walked up to me and looked from Ian to Lauren then to me

"Won't it just be easy if I just killed him,his suffering will end you know?" She said grinning
I shook my head " got your revenge..just please-
"Shut up" she ordered giving me a look of pure hatred

I shut my mouth trying hard not to make her angry
She knelt down so that she made eye contact with Ian "I'm sorry you had to be involved" then she pulled out her gun
"Stop!" I cried trying to grab the gun
"I wouldn't do that Krystal, you don't want me hurting the little rat growing inside of you" she said pointing the gun at my stomach

"You're right,you're right! Just please, everyone's dead alright,please have mercy, I think you got your revenge and-

"No I haven't!" She said standing up
I felt Ian's arm grab mine and gently squeezed it
I looked at Ian and was shocked to see his eyes closed, I quickly checked his pulse, my heart wanted to rip out my chest when I found no pulse

Betty saw this and she roared with an evil laugh, I honestly think she is mentally ill
"Awwww look on the bright side, at least he's out his misery he doesn't have to suffer anymore" she said standing over me

My hands were shaking and I refused to believe he was dead,my mouth wouldn't close and I felt the most overwhelming heart ache
"If you just had left Rick alone, it wouldn't have lead to this, but no you tried to compete with me like the whore you are, you deserve everything you're getting" she spit out

I didn't even listen to her, I kept shaking Ian, I was in denial, and I tried to listen to a heart beat

"Pathetic" Betty whispered
"Ian.. Open your eyes!" I yelled shaking him harder now, tears were falling uncontrollably as I tried to open his eyes for him, but they looked dead and lifeless. His blue eyes didn't have any life to them

"Police please come!" We all heard Enrique said
Dazed Betty swirled around in shock as she raced to the kitchen
"There's this crazy bitch named Betty trying to-
Betty grabbed the phone and hung up Enriques phone
"You fucking-
"Shoot me again bitch!" I heard Enrique say in rage

I had nothing to live for anymore, I was ready to give up until I turned back at Lilly who was still hiding behind the couch she had her green eyes glued to me as she showed me Ricks phone
My eyes adjusted to the call she made which was indeed the police
I gasped, she had the operator on the phone listening to everything that was going on, I teared up some more at how smart she is.

"You going to use me like that huh bitch!? Kill off everyone, but guess what? You will still be nothing, you will be in prison for life maybe even get the death penalty, you will be known as the whore that slept with a married man then went on a killing spree because he didn't want you anymore! He just used you as a sex doll then threw you away, and you have this jealous envy of Krystal, you wish you lived her life don't you? You're just a worthless piece of shit, then you shoot me in the back? After everything I've done for you!" Enrique continued

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