Chapter 11

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(Gracelynn's Pov)
"Gracelynn?" Came Carter's voice. I groaned and rolled over in the opposite direction. "Gracelynn." Came his voice again softly, as he softly rub my back.I knew he wasn't going anywhere. "It's early" I groaned back. "It's noon" he laughed. I sat up quickly then my head hitting Carter's. " Ow." He laughed. "Sorry" I mumbled. "How long have you been up?" I continued. "Since 5:30 this morning. I help Caleb take the cows to graze, and take each of the 4 horse out to ride, and I called my mom." He finished. Thoughts of last night started coming back to me. "I finally came to wake you up because we're meeting her in town at 2, and Annie is on her way over with some of your things." He smiled. I nodded my head. Threw the covers off of me and began to stretch. "Coffee?" He questioned. I just nodded my head, and followed him to the kitchen. I sat on a stool at the Island as he made me a cup of coffee. Once he was finished. He sat the cup a distance away from me, and when I reached for it, he grabbed it back towards himself. I let out a frustrated groan. "Do you enjoy getting punched in the face?" I huffed. He started snickering. "Yuh can have this delicious cup coffee I made yuh, on one condition." He laughed. "What?" I huffed. "A kiss" he smiled. " The first wasn't that great what makes you think I want to kiss you again?" I questioned him. The smile left his face. "You hurt me right here." He said putting his hand over his heart, and his bottom lip out. I laughed, and then he leaned over the island and whispered to me "it made your knees go weak" and he was sending me his famous smug smirk. I knew he wasn't going to forget about that. "Come on just a peck." He challenged. "Fine" I grumbled. "But only because I want my coffee." I added. "Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night sweet heart" he laughed. He walked around the island now taking of his cowboy hat and leaning into kiss me. My heart skipped a couple of beats, and I leaned into him. He kissed me soft, and swiftly., and when he pulled back he has goofy grin on his face. I chuckled and he went back around the island to pass me my coffee as promised. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. "That must be Annie." He said, and then he was gone. When he returned he stood next to Annie, who held my clothes,make up bag,and another bag I didn't recognize in her hands. "Good Afternoon." She chucked. "I haven't seen you sleep this late since highschool, you must've got some good sleep." She said. "Afternoon, yeah I guess I did." I smiled back her raising an eyebrow at what she was implying. "I've got you clothes,your make up,some shampoo,conditioner, and because I'm nice a blow dryer."She finished passing me over everything, and I'm here to help you get ready for your date." She finished, and was passing everything over to me.I looked over to Carter who shot me a wink. "I'm going to go shower." I said hopping up and heading towards the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me, and got into Carter's shower. There was only one little problem. I didn't know how to turn on the hot water. I rolled my eyes and groaned to myself. Stepping back out the shower, and wrapping myself in a towel. "Carter?" I yelled. Nothing. "Carter?" I yelled again, and then there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Gracelynn it's Carter" he said. I opened the door standing there in a towel, and Carter Gulped. "I need the hot water on cowboy." I smiled. He went over to the shower showing me how to do it, and when it was running hot. I was shoving him towards the door. Releasing my towel, just before he got to it. I could see him steal a peek. "Close the door behind you" I said from inside the shower. "Yes Ma'am" came his voice. 10 minutes later I was out of the shower, and into the clothes Annie picked out for me. She brought me my favorite pair of jeans, to slide right into my boots, and a black tee with a bull and some flowers, that
I tied up. Once satisfied with the way it was tied. I grabbed my belt from last night. After I was dressed. I found Carter's comb and began blow drying my long brown wavy hair. After it was dry. I called for Annie. "Annie?" I yelled swinging the door open. A moment later. She came to the door. "Make up?" She questioned, and I nodded. Annie has always been better at make up than me. I knew how to do very little and I was okay with that. I sat on the toilet and she got started. 10 minutes later she said "I'm finished." And I looked at myself in the mirror. Satisfied with my appearance. She did an all nude look and I was beyond grateful. "Thanks" I said smiling over to her. She gave me a nod. "Your shampoo and stuff is in the shower if you want to take it back with you, I can bag it up?" I asked. "Something tells me we should just leave here"she smiled a knowing smile, and I raised and eyebrow. "Have fun,and call me when you're done. Your truck is outside, we picked it up from the diner this morning." She smiled, and then she was gone. "GraceLynn, it's 1 and we have a 30 minute drive into town.Are you ready?" Came Carters loud voice. "Yes." I yelled back, and began walking towards the living room. When he seen me he stood there for a moment "You look beautiful." He smiled. I looked at the floor. "Thank you" I said taking a deep breath. "Alright, let's get this show on the road" he said. Motioning towards the door. Once we were out the house and into the truck. I cranked it up and we headed for town.

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