Chapter 26

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(Gracelynn's Pov)
I reached up to touch my face frantic.I could barely move my right arm.I found the nurse's page button. Frantically pushing it over and over again. A moment later in walked Laura. "You're awake" she said giving me a sad smile, as if tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "I'm fine"I countered back to her. "You're right you are." She said gently  "You've got a fractured wrist. And some bruising but other than that you're perfectly fine." She continued."Then why do you look so sad?" I questioned her. "Gracelynn what I'm about to say to you is going to be very very hard for you to hear. I think you should have someone in here with you."she continued. "Carter" I heard her shout, and in walked Carter. Eyes blood shot red. He was giving me a look of remorse and sorrow. I hated that look and he knew it. "Someone tell me what's going on" I yelled a little horse. Carter cleared his throat. Tears streaming from his eyes what could possibly be so bad I wondered. I began trying to remember, and then realization hit me in the face like ton of bricks. I remembered. The truck didn't hit my side. It hit Annie's. "Where is she?" I sobbed out. Springing up from the bed."I want to see her." I screamed out. Heading for the door. Which Carter blocked "Please"I begged beating at his chest. "let me see her." I screamed. Carter went to speak as tears streamed down my face, and I began to crumble. "She's alright" I yelled, and I'm going to see her." I croaked. Carter began to open his mouth to say something and I pointed at him frantically."Don't say it" I yelled at him. Hitting him once again. He went to speak again. "Please don't say it" I shouted again. My heart felt like it was shattering into a million little pieces. "You need to hear this. He said. "No.I know she's alright." I sobbed. "Did Annie tell you she had something to tell us?" He questioned.All I could manage was a nod. He turn his head back to the floor. "Gracelynn, there's no gentle way for me to say this but Annie is gone and so is the baby." Laura tried to say gently. "Baby?" I questioned I began croaking. It felt like the world was crumbling at my feet. She was going to tell us she was pregnant. I let that sink in as I sunk down to the floor wrapping my arms around my knees, and screaming "No No No it can't be true. Please God No." I screamed. "Why Annie? Why me? Why us ? Why now? Please lord don't take her." I continued. The realization of everything hitting me. I'd never get to grow old with my best friend.I'd never get to hear her laugh or see her smile again. I'd never have any red headed nieces and nephews running around. I thought about Wayne he lost his daughter, and grandchild and Caleb.Oh Caleb. His other half and his child. "Caleb?" I managed to croak out. No one answered. "What about Caleb?" I said again sobbing and almost choking. I felt my breathing escalate. "Gracelynn, I need you to take deep breaths for me." Said Laura."They're saying their goodbyes, and they're waiting for you." Laura continued. I looked up to Carter. "I can't do this" I cried. "I just can't" I continued. Carter came to the floor putting his hand on my cheek. "I know he said, but we have too." He croaked through his own tears. "Your brother needs you, and you'll never forgive yourself if you're not there for him, and Annie would want it this way." He finished pulling me up from the floor with him. "I'll be right here" he choked out. I leaned into him as he walked us down the hall. Once we stood outside the door. I croaked "This can't be happening." Carter shook his head shoving open the door. Walking into the room I saw Caleb lying over Annie as he sobbed to her"Baby please don't leave me. I need you. We all do. Please don't go." Once he heard the door close he looked up to me. He came to me. "I'm so sorry." He said sobbing. "Are you okay?" He said frantically looking me over, but I couldn't rip my eyes away from Annie. My best friend, my sister, my partner in crime. She Lay there so still her smile gone and the ventilator did it's job. She was beat up really bad, and her once fiery red hair was even darker, it was coated in her own blood. I looked down to her stomach. The tears never stop falling, but I was beginning to feel numb.Caleb realized what I was looking at, and moved for me to walk toward her.I looked up to Wayne who stood silently crying for his baby girl. "Annie, please I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I left you. Please don't leave me I'll never leave again. I promise. You were right. Please don't leave me too.I need you Annie. I can't do this. I just can't. I wish you would've told me Annie. You'd make such a great mom. The worlds best mom, best friend, and sister." I said whispering the last part. "It's time" Laura said walking in tears of her own spilling from her face. Caleb walked over to her now "I'll always love you Annie" he whispered, and I felt myself break all over again. "I'll miss you Annie Oakley. You're the best gift god ever gave me." Said Wayne. "I'll miss you Annie you're an amazing friend, and you made my best friend so happy. I can never repay you." Said Carter. And I knew it was my turn to say goodbye. I choked on my words. "Annie, I know that this is apart of life, and that's what you tell me right now, but I wasn't and I'm not ready to say goodbye. I'll never have anyone else like you in my life. I took for granted the moments I had with you and I'll never forgive myself. I love you Annie." I said to her. And then the doctor enter to pull the plug, and time her death, and has her heart stop beating, a piece of mine went with her.

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