Chpater 16

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(Gracelynn's Pov)
After about 15 minutes a waitress guided us to a bar table. We each took a seat on a barstool. Annie was across from me, and Carter sat at my right side. "What can I get y'all?" questioned the waitress eyeing Carter and then flashing him her pearly whites. "He'll have a Budweiser, and The Bourbon Cheeseburger with bacon and onion rings on the side." I said to her and then quickly turned my head towards Carter "Ain't that right honey?" I questioned him. "Yes sweetheart that's exactly what I'll be having." He said his eyes never leaving mine. He sent me a smug smirk.The waitress continued. "I'll have the same thing."said Caleb sending me a sly smile. She continued onto Annie "I'll have the chicken salad, and a tea." Said Annie. When she finally got to me "and for you?" She said not even making eye contact with me. "I'll have the fried chicken sandwich,fried pickles, and a Budweiser." She rolled her eyes as she wrote down my order.I smiled my fake smile. "Can I see your ID?" She questioned, and I burst out laughing. She hadn't ask for anyone else's ID but wanted to see mine. "What's so funny?" She questioned. "You wanna know what's so funny? I'll tell you.I think it's funny you're signaling me out because you're interested, in MY cowboy." I shot her a glare, and I watched as her mouth hung open, and Annie almost choked on her tea."Don't worry about the drink. I'll get it at the bar from a real bartender." I laughed. 15 minutes later all the food had arrived, and we all began eating. "You didn't have to blast her like that?" Said Caleb snickering. "She thought she was funny and cute, and I had to show her what funny and cute really looks like."I said. "Someone's jealous?" Countered Annie. "Jealousy is when you want something you can't have, and sweetheart I have him." I said to Annie as I threw my arm around Carter's shoulder and smiled up to him. "Yes. Yes you do." He said smiling down to me. 15 minutes later we're all finished eating, and I smiled to Annie. "Shots, and then we can hit the dance floor?" I smiled. "Yess" shouted Annie. We stood and headed for the bar. We were waiting patiently in line. "What'll it be ladies?" Said the bartender. "8 shots of jack neat please, and 2 cokes on ice." I smiled. "That'll be 25 dollars" he smiled. "Ready Annie?" I questioned her smiling."Ready" she smiled back. "1.2.3." And we were off downing shot after shot until they were gone, and then we drank our cokes. "We still got it!" Annie Shouted "Yes we do" I shouted back over the music. "Let's hit the dance floor" I shouted.Annie nodded grabbing my hand as I led us towards the dance floor. Me and Annie began line dancing, and we were laughing our asses off. 10 minutes later line dancing was over, and I needed a bathroom break. Caleb joined a buzzed Annie on the dance floor, and I smiled to myself as they danced, and turned towards the restroom. I stood in the line for what felt like forever, and finally it was my turn. I did my business, washed my hands, and headed back towards the bar wondering where Carter was. Once it was my turn at the bar, I asked for a Moscow Mule, and paid the bartender. "Here yuh are." Said the bartender. I gave him a smile, and went to find Carter. I found him watching Annie and Caleb on the dance floor. "Want to dance cowboy?" I questioned him. He laughed. "No,thank you. I ride bulls. I don't dance." He smiled. "Please" I pleaded. As a slow song came on. "Fine" he said giving in. "One dance.Only for you sweet heart." He said winking. I stuck out my hand towards him, and he took it letting me guide him to the dance floor. I was smiling from ear to ear. I wrapped his arms around my waist, and mine around his neck. As George Straits "Give it all we got tonight" began to play. "I love this song." I said as I laid my head on his chest. "Me too." He smiled. "Gracelynn.." he said pausing. "Yes" I said looking up. "You look beautiful tonight." He said. "Oh so any other day I don't?" I raised an eyebrow and began giggling. "What I mean is Happiness looks beautiful on you." He finished as we swayed. "Thank you Cowboy." I said. "You make me happy." I said winking at him. "Songs over sweet cheeks." He smiled. I stuck out my bottom lip and began pretending to pout. "I need a beer." He said throwing up his hands. "I get to drink 2 remember." He said winking. "Sure thing." I smiled, and just as Carter walked away, Annie walked up. "Time for some more line dancing" she smiled, and we began line dancing once again, as Caleb laugh and mocked our clumsy movements.10 minutes later the song was over, and I was looking for Carter. I spotted him at our Bar Table, and began making my way towards him through the crowd of people. Barging my way through. I finally made it to the other side, and when I looked up there was Carter, and the Waitress from earlier kissing. "What the hell?" I shouted. Carter shot up from his spot. "Quick tip sweetie, I had him first.Isn't that right Carter baby? " The waitress said as she took slow strides walking towards me. She flashed me a fake smile,showing me her pearly whites, and right in this moment I decided to knock them down her throat. I swung my fist as hard as I could making contact with her face, and the bimbo hit the floor. I looked down at her as she held her bleeding nose, and then back up to a guilty looking Carter. "I can explain..." he started. I cut him off quickly. "Fuck you." I spat at him. I looked around and there was a crowd standing around. "Isn't that Grace." I heard one guy shout,my show name. I had to get out of here. I looked over to Caleb and Annie who just watched the whole thing unfold, and fled for the door. Getting into the truck bed I used a blanket to cover me up completely.Laying down, I began texting Annie where I was begging her not to tell Carter. Asking her to tell both Carter and Caleb I just left. She sent a quick text back agreeing that she wouldn't say anything, and when we got back to Greene Ranch she'd help me get out, and to my cabin. I sent her a quick text back thanking her as they approached. "Annie?" Said Caleb. "Yes" she said back sweetly. "Is that my sister?" Caleb asked worried. "Yeah, she left told me she'd see me tomorrow. " Said Annie sadly. "What the fuck Carter?" I heard Caleb say. "It's really not what it looks like man!" Defended Carter. "What the hell ever.Everyone in." Said Caleb clearly pissed off. I heard the truck crank,and it began moving. "Lord,please don't let rain." I pray to myself.

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