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Izuku Midoriya, Hero Deku, has seen a lot, far from one should in his position. A 17 year old hero who legally shouldn't even have his license yet, unwillingly skipped his third year of hero school, successor to one of the greatest heroes in quirk history, now deceased, 9th holder of the one of the greatest quirks in history, and the sufferer of so much.

"Shoot, did I fall asleep again?" Izuku asked himself, forcing his eyes open as he looked at his surroundings. Looks like he was on just any other building. Strange. Last he remembered, there weren't any towers this tall left in japan, at least at the moment. Maybe he was in another country? Probably the US.

Throwing his mask back on, he charged up as lightning burst around him, and he shot straight off of the building, leaving a small crack on the top of the building as he zoomed across the sky.

And that's when he noticed it.

"UA's new first years show off their immense and diverse power! Is the future in safe hands?" A News bulletin read off, attracting the attention of the dark green cladded hero. At first, Izuku merely thought it was a rerun, albeit it was odd that the anchor was speaking Japanese in what was surely the US, but then he saw who was on the panel. It was...


Nemuri, Aizawa, Hizashi, Oboro...what? Was this just a rerun from so long ago? he recognized that building. That's Tokyo Tower! He was still in Japan, but he knows that the building is rubble now, or at least way too big to be rebuilt that fast, even with the best in the business!

"What the heck is going on?" Izuku asked himself, still streaking across the sky as he kept looking down. "This is definitely tokyo...and definitely not the Tokyo I know."

"Have way," Izuku told himself, aiming for a small opening of an alley. That wasn't possible, right? They've already attempted time travel with eri, and no one's seen those notes since eri touched them. Then again, quirks are ridiculous, so it is possible that...

Izuku Landed in the Alley, before stripping his hero suit off. He didn't want any suspicion on him after all. If he really was that far in the past, he didn't want his future self to get into any trouble for him galavanting around in the past.

"I am so glad I keep civilian clothes on me," Izuku said to himself, stuffing his hero suit into his duffel bag, and throwing it around his back, as he wore his new white button up with a green and black yin yang cover. It wasn't very conspicuous, but it's likely he doesn't exist here anyways, so what's he to worry about?


Apparently a lot.

Not so much about people being curious or worrying about him, more so what he sees.

Way too many girls.

'Even if this is the past, there is no way this many females would be out normally. Doubt it'd be a quirk too,' Izuku thinks to himself, as he wanders the streets of mustafau. 'Then again, I didn't think a quirk could transport me to the past, and here I am.'

"Oof!" Izuku yelped as he walked into someone, slightly tripping, before quickly straightening and catching whoever was falling. "Sorry about that-"

"No problem man! I should've seen that coming," a loud voice responded, one that sounded similar, but not the same.

'Present Mic? No, it's a girl. Did Mic-sensei have a sister?' Izuku thought to himself as he looked at who he walked into. Sure enough, even not in his, or I guess he would say, her hero costume, Yamada Hizashi just had this appearance anyone could see a mile away, with wild dark golden hair, sunglasses, and a small stick attached to a necklace. Izuku remembered that Present Mic once complained about needing his medicine stick again when his quirk went wild. "Uh, okay."

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