Omnes pro Uno

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"God this feels good," Izuku thought, slipping on the new suit. With the experimental battery, while it was technically a risk to even touch the suit, Izuku also knew that David was a perfectionist, and it'd be dumb of him to even think about giving a child a battery that could be dangerous, much less lethal.

Apparently it was made from a Particle Accelarator's misstep with both Raw Carbon and Lonsdaleite, which created a very high and very small energy output. David didn't give him the entire material compound, but enough to nearly overpower the suit.

-Here I thought you'd just get a cloth and spandex suit like the blonde idiot- 3 mentioned, as images of All Might flashed in his mind.

-The kid's smart- 5th replied, as Izuku started charging up. Currently, he was in Gym Alpha, which seemed more like Gym Gamma. Either it was an Alternate universe thing, or maybe they were renamed in his time. Either way, it was the best he had for large areas.

At only 3 percent, and about to use Fa Jin, his suit had adjusted correctly, and the exhaust vents he had put in the back had opened correctly. He shot himself across the entire gym in less then a second, and perfectly spun to cancel his speed, causing him to majorly slow and giving him enough time to bounce off of the wall he was heading towards.

He needed to get back into the power of one for all, and to get used to his new ensemble. There was so much this suit could do, whether it be friction stopping, Vision enhancements, and more, but this was still a prototype. He needed to make sure it could actually work.

"Having fun flying kid?" He heard the voice of Torino nearby, and he flipped off of the wall he was heading towards, before shooting himself directly near her feet. "Seems like it."

He gave a thumbsup, before she continued. "Fancy a spar?"

Izuku felt both a quiver of excitement and of fear after those words exited her mouth, and his thumbs up dramatically turned over.


Deep in the belly of Japan, the underground network that was All For One's abode, the supervillain felt something.

Normally, this feeling was usually a form of danger. Letting her know that something was either about to attack her, or a quirk that could potentially stop her was either created or the "User" had done something.

After clearing her surrounding areas, she decided to use a technopath quirk to check through all quirk/hero registries and all news soucres quickly.

Her Jaw nearly dropped.

She didn't know why at first. You see, a new hero was registered recently. Normally, that wouldn't be terribly important. Just another pebble on the road, or maybe a stone that could rarely pop a tire for 2 seconds or so.

The License wasn't even out of the ordinary. It was perfectly normal compared to other licenses, including that of Idiot's All Mighty.

The License was perfectly normal, but there were 3 factors that just stuck out to her.

First, the picture. Now, any hero worth their salt would prefer that their face be all over their license. She lived long enough to know that nearly 53% of all "Limelight" heroes were there purely for fame and fortune, a factor she had taken advantage of often.

This picture though, was different. Instead, the hero in question was in a full suit of armor, looking like a future warrior rabbit. A Rarity that a Limelight hero would prefer to be kept hidden, but that was more of an oddity then anything. Nothing really concerning.

The second was the Hero's name.


Quite an odd name for a new hero, yet somehow, All for One felt...fear whenever she said that name out loud. Musketeer. Why did that make her so scared?

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