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Why? It was bad enough to deal with this alternate world, being in the past, and everyone he knew just not being the same, but now even the ghosts in his head weren't the ones he knew? This was just ridiculous!

"Answer the Question! And how do you know 2!?" 3 Shouted, his usual stern male voice replaced by an angry feminine. Izuku started feeling dizzy again.

"I-" Izuku started, before grabbing his head in pain. This...why? Why did he have to deal with this?

"FASTER!" Nana shouted, not wanting to play around with this random person in One for All, and knocking Izuku enough to consciously answer.

"I'M THE NINTH!" Izuku cried out, before he fell to the floor in pain. His head felt like it was splitting open from both sides like an eggshell being cut with scissors.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" 2 shouted in disbelief. He couldn't be the ninth. They can still see Toshi's memories, and she's going strong, even if 2 and 3 weren't particularly fond of her.

"Toshinori hasn't given up One for All yet!" Nana continued, as Izuku continued feeling pain, but he was still conscious to reply.

"YOUR TOSHINORI HASN'T, BUT MINE HAS!" Izuku yelled in pain, and all the users stopped in surprise. What did that mean?

Quickly, Shigaraki and Nana helped the kid up, who was still caressing his head, albeit the pain was diminishing, but it was still torture.

"Explain. NOW," Shinomori demanded.

"Can't you look through my memories or something? Considering I'm here in the first place?" Izuku suggested, but Yoichi shook her head.

"No good. You're segmented from one for all, yet you're still here. So, you'll have to explain to us in words," Yoichi explained.

"Great. Okay, I'll make this quick," Izuku started, as the rest of the users hovered around. "I'm the ninth wielder of one for all. Names Midoriya Izuku. I'm from another universe where all genders can have quirks. I was born quirkless. All Might, or for you guys All Mighty, decided to make me the ninth holder after witnessing my heroic heart, and a whole damn lot happened. At the time, not only am I in another universe, but I'm also approximately 18 years in the past from where I originally was. I've already hit singularity which is why I was able to be here while Toshinori doesn't know you guys exist. I was successfully able to defeat All for one once and for all, but I've been through way too much to mention. You'll figure it out overtime, but that's the rundown."

After the blasthrough of knowledge, the users were sitting in disbelief. Sure, it was unbelievable, but it matched the case of what was happening.

"I...assume that it means that you got our blessings in your world?" 2 asked for herself and 3, to which Izuku side-nodded.

"Sorta. It just kind of went into Overdrive, and you two just ran along with it after a couple deaths of people, and noticing that I was actually...worthy I guess?" Izuku continued, before shaking his head. "Wait, are you guys just accepting that fast?"

"Let's be honest, your explanation is the only feasible one, even if it is absolutely ridiculous," En answered, and the rest of the vestiges agreed.

"Besides, you seem way too calm and recognize us, which we know would be impossible for anyone not connected to One for all in some way, whether the quirk itself or a user," Yoichi continued.

"I...I guess. Just assumed you all would be much more suspicious," Izuku continued, before noticing his presence diminishing. "Welp, guess you guys get to watch me save this world too, or is that a bit disingenuous? You get to watch me do my best to save the world, let's go with that," Izuku said, finger-gunning the previous users, before he was completely gone and awake.

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