2: Airport Sandwiches

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Brain Cell Sharers

when are you all getting to the airport?
i've been waiting for a few hours

my flight lands in an hour

ayato and i will be landing soon

i just got here

where are you??

sitting at terminal 3 rn

stay there i'm coming
i'm in terminal 2

suddenly i'm halfway across the city...

hahaha very funny
i can see your stupid haircut from here

you're one to talk about stupid haircuts

why didn't we all take the same flight again?

because the ones the kamisatos were on was already full

sorry guys
next time tho!

You and your friends were all flying into Sumeru for college. Despite going to the same place, you four were on different flights, a fact you didn't learn until after trying to book tickets.

"Y/N!" you hear your friend call. You quickly put your phone away as you looked for the source of the sound.

"Heizou," you greeted him as you gave him a quick hug.

"You act like we didn't hang out this summer."

"Shut up before I fight you."

"You won't," he smugly replied.

"You're right I won't. I don't want to go to jail." A victorious smirk rested on Heizou's face.

"Hey, wanna grab something to eat?" he asked you. "It's gonna be a while till everyone gets here."

"That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say," you reply. "Let's go." He rolled his eyes at your statement, choosing not to reply.

"There's a sandwich shop near terminal one," Heizou suggested. "Do you want to go there?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

You walked next to Heizou, dragging your suitcase behind you. Your backpack bounced between your shoulder blades as you walked. Once the sandwich shop was in view, a smile grew on your face. You claimed an empty table near the entrance while Heizou lined up to order for you two. While he did so, you busied yourself on your phone.

A few minutes later, a group of four people loudly entered the sandwich shop, disturbing the once-peaceful atmosphere. Two of them seemed engrossed in their own conversation. One person was buried in a book while the other was trying to converse with them. The group stood behind Heizou in the line to order.

The loud conversation from their group caught your attention, causing you to look up from your phone in annoyance. You were about to turn away when the sound of metal hitting the floor greeted your ears. None of the other people in the sandwich shop noticed it.

Reluctantly, you stood from your seat to retrieve the object – a set of keys held together with a lion keychain. It would be a shame to lose your keys.

You approached the group with the object in hand. "Excuse me," you called to them. Four pairs of eyes shifted their attention to you. "Does this belong to anyone?" You held out the keys for them to see.

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