5: Mentor Mondays

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The first full week of college was a blur for you. You attended all of your classes and diligently did your homework, yet it felt very bleak. The only variation in your routine was seeing your friends on the weekend.

Unfortunately, Monday once again rolled around.

Your lectures today felt longer than their allotted hour and a half – especially your engineering class. Your professor seemed to love hearing himself talk.

As soon as your last class was over, you bolted out the door.


A buzzing noise from your pocket captured your attention.

Brain Cell Sharers

don't forget about mentor mondays!

thanks ayaka i totally forgot lol


i will fight you
after mentor monday tho

please don't

i'll treat everyone out to lunch if heizou and Y/N don't fight for a day

omg heizou!
my bestie ily
platonically ofc


i thought i was your bestie heizou 🥺

you are my bestie
but free food is free food

it's okay
i understand i'd probably do the same

gotta go
i'm at mentor monday rn

You tucked your phone into your pocket as you entered the engineering building for the second time today. Mentor Monday signs posted in the hallways directed you to a large auditorium-style room. Nervously you sat in the back of the room and observed the others around you.

From what you could tell, there were no familiar faces. A group of students huddled around a laptop in the front of the room. You couldn't see what they were talking about but assumed it had to do with school.

You spotted a shorter male walking up to the podium at the front of the room.

"Hello," he said. All the side conversations stopped people shifted their focus to the person. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the very first Mentor Monday of the year!" A few of the male's friends cheered from their seats.

"For those of you who don't know me," he continued, "my name is Albedo. I'm a third-year chemical engineering student." A few people loudly clapped and cheered. Albedo smiled at them bashfully.

"Thank you," he smiled. "It's a privilege to welcome all of the new and returning students to Mentor Mondays. I'll do my best to keep this quick since the first session tends to be the most chaotic.

"I'd like you all to form two lines," Albedo instructed as he pointed toward two people sitting in the front row. Each one of them had a laptop open. "One line is of all the new students who are participating in Mentor Monday for the first time. The second line will be all the returning students.

"Once you head to the front of the line, we'll record your name and pair you with a mentor for the year. The goal for this first session is just to meet your mentor and exchange contact information with one another.

"Alright, thank you all for your time. Let's get it started!" After concluding his speech, Albedo stepped away from the podium.

Other students rose from their seats to line up. It didn't take long for two, long lines to form. Once their information was recorded, the people began to move to the side. Albedo would come by and pair them based on their major.

"Y/N L/N," you said once you were at the front of your line. "First-year civil engineering student."

"Stand to the side," the person informed you. You left the line and occupied yourself with your phone.

"Y/N," Albedo called. "Y/N L/N?"

"Yes?" you answered. The male came to you.

"Civil engineering student?" he asked. You nodded your head in response. "I have your mentor over here. Please follow me."

Albedo weaved his way through the crowd of students as you followed behind him. He led you across the room to where a taller blonde waited. The blonde looked up from his phone as you two approached.

"Kaveh, this is your mentee, Y/N," Albedo informed. The blonde, Kaveh, smiled. "I'll leave you two to it," he said before leaving to pair more students.

"Hi," you greeted. "I'm Y/N."

"I'm Kaveh," he replied. Kaveh stretched his hand out to you for a handshake. "Nice to meet you," he said as you two shook hands.

"I'm a first-year. How about you?"


"Cool!" you beamed. "What major?"

"Engineering with a focus on architecture. You?"

"Civil engineering."

Kaveh flashed you a bright smile. "That's awesome! If you don't mind me asking, how did you choose your major?"

"I only signed up for this major because I liked to play with Legos as a kid," you deadpanned. "Unfortunately, I can't exactly make a living playing with Legos." A laugh erupted from the blonde.

"Not the response I was expecting," he said in between laughs, "but I respect that. I picked engineering because I wanted to make pretty buildings." You nodded your head.

"Nice," you smiled.

"Oh, wait, before I forget," Kaveh said as he fished his phone out of his pocket. "Albedo said we're supposed to exchange contact information. Are you comfortable exchanging phone numbers?"

"Yeah, I don't mind."

You pulled your phone from your pocket and unlocked it. You created a new contact before giving the phone to Kaveh. He did the same. Quickly, you entered your name and phone number before pressing the save button.

"Here," you told him as you gave back his phone.

"Here's yours, too." You glanced at the new contact, making sure it was saved before tucking your phone back into its place. "Text me if you have any questions about the program, or if you want to know which professors to avoid," he joked.

"Will do," you laughed. "It was nice meeting you."

"You too!" he chirped. "See you next week, okay?"

"Yeah, of course!" You gave him one last cheerful smile before you two parted ways.

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Hey everyone! I'm actually going out of the country soon, so I will be unable to update any of my stories until I come back. Don't worry I do plan to keep writing while on the trip!

In the meantime, I made a Discord server if you want to keep up with my shenanigans! If you're interested in joining, it's linked it in my bio and in my announcements.

Thanks again for all the support and I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Take care!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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