3: The Start (of College)

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It's been a week since arriving on campus. You've heard horror stories about annoying college roommates, but you didn't feel that way about yours. In fact, she was very organized to the point it intimidated you.

"Y/N," your roommate called from the kitchen. "Did you ever get cereal when you went out yesterday?"

You poked your head out of your bedroom. "Yeah Ganyu," you replied. "It should be in the cabinet above the fridge."

"Thanks! I found it!"

You offered your roommate a smile before returning to your room. Currently, you were deciding on an outfit to wear. It was your last day before classes were officially set to start, and Kazuha had the idea of meeting up to enjoy what remains of summer.

Brain Cell Sharers

heizou and i are at the cafe


i'll be there in 10 minutes

wait i'm still at my dorm
be there in 20

my grandma could get here faster than you could

i swear when i get there i will cuff you to your chair and remove your kneecaps

didn't know you were into that 😊
i'll try not to enjoy it as much as you though

archons give me strength-

take your time y/n
we'll be here a while

thank you kazuha!

Once you left your dorm, you checked your phone for the address of the cafe. It was rather close to campus, so you walked as fast as you could.

The restaurant was nestled in a street corner. The walls that faced out to the street were all glass. From the door, you could spot your friends' table. Immediately, you went over to them.

"Y/N," Ayaka greeted you.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late."

"No problem," Kazuha said before taking a sip of his matcha.

Heizou lazily held the paper coffee cup in his hands. "About time you came," he sighed.

"I lost track of time," you told your auburn-haired friend.

"Don't worry about ordering," Ayaka told you. "I already got you a drink."

"Thank you!"

"How is everyone settling in?" Kazuha asked. "Do you all like your roommate?"

Ayaka's lips curved upward as she began to speak. "My roommate is really sweet," she noted. "She's from Mondstadt and an astrology major."

"Do you guys remember Scaramouche from middle school?" Heizou asked.

"You mean that one hostile kid that was super defensive about his bowl cut?" you clarified.

"That's him."

Kazuha spoke up. "Why?"

"He's my roommate."

"He moved to Snezhnaya, right?" Ayaka questioned. "I think he left right before high school."

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