4: Cracked Phone

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A few hours later, you got a notification from your group chat. Since your professors didn't assign a lot of homework on the first day, you curiously checked your phone. All that was sent was a video from Heizou, so you pressed play.

"I hate you, Y/N," Heizou said to the camera. He stood by an open window on the first floor of what looked like his dorm building. "I hate that you've abused my dare streak to make me do something like this."

"You have a dare streak?" Scaramouche, who you assumed was recording, asked with an amused laugh. "Interesting."

"Shut up, Scaramouche!"

"Hurry up, Shikanoin!"

"This is all your fault. You are the most despicable human being I've ever had the misfortune of befriending."

Heizou lifted his phone up to the camera before throwing it. His expression fell when he heard the sound of it hitting the pavement outside.

"I hope you're satisfied with yourself Y/N," was all he said before the video cut off.

Brain Cell Sharers

i am VERY satisfied with myself thank you so much heizou
but i think you're a coward for not throwing it from your dorm window

well you didn't specify which floor
loopholes amirite

i do hope your phone is okay though

yeah how's your phone?

it just has a crack on the screen protector
i'll replace it but you're paying for it Y/N

okay that's fair
didn't think you would actually throw it tbh

how dare you
now that scara knows i can't say no to dares i'm scared of what he might do with this knowledge

like what?

idk dare me to rob a bank or smth else illegal

you know...


Y/N please keep your dares somewhat reasonable

i was joking that time but i'm sorry
i'll be sure to put my limited brain capacity to good use

i'll go with you guys to get the new screen protector

you will?

remember the last time you and heizou went somewhere unsupervised


you two were banned from that one supermarket back home because you kept going back to the free sample table

they never limited the amount you could take

in my defense
i was hungry

so going to the sample table 6 times was totally the right thing to do?



yeah that's why kazu is going with you guys


sounds good
i'll meet you guys in 20

You, Heizou, and Kazuha were on the way to the closest tech store. Kazuha spotted the tech store from across the street and motioned for you two to follow him.

"How are classes so far?" Heizou asked you.

You shrugged, "They're not as chaotic as I expected, but it's only the first day. Professors are probably being nice so no one drops the class."

"Definitely," he replied. Kazuha gave a strained laugh.

"Are you both really expecting your classes to be that bad?"

"Yes," you and Heizou answered at the same time.

"You two are hopeless. Have some faith in your professors. I'm sure they'll make it enjoyable."

"That's easy for you to say, Kazu," you said. "Your professors probably enjoy what they're doing."

"Have you had an engineering class yet?"

"I have. It's hell so far, thanks for asking."

"Why don't you go to the Mentor Monday events?" Heizou proposed. "I'm going to them when they start next week." You gave your auburn-haired friend a blank stare. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"


"Mentor Mondays are when you go to your department after your classes. Usually, it's a large group of students from your major or a similar major. You'll get paired up with an upperclassman. That's your mentor. They'll help you navigate the program," he explained.


"Yeah," Kazuha added, "they have it across all the different departments. I'm thinking of going to it too."

"Wow," you said. "I'll look into it for engineering students then."

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A few days later, you found yourself early to your Spanish class. Your seatmate, Alhaitham, was sitting with yet another book in his hands. The dark hoodie draped over his figure made it seem like he was very comfortable.

"Hey," you greeted as you sat next to him.

"Hello," he replied while still reading his book.

"I have a question for you. Did your professors ever mention Mentor Mondays?"

The man mentally marked his page before setting his book down. "They did," he said matter-of-factly. "It starts next week."

"Damn, my engineering professor is gatekeeping it," you mumbled to yourself. Alhaitham's brows furrowed slightly before returning to their normal position. "Are you going?"

"I doubt I will. I don't see the value of it for either of my majors."

"I thought you said you were a literature major?" you questioned.

"I am, but I also study linguistics. For the purposes of this class, I just say I'm a literature major."

"Why would you only want to mention one of your majors?"

Alhaitham replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm already fluent in Spanish, and I'm learning a few other languages in my spare time. I didn't want to wear myself thin in my first semester, so I'm taking beginner Spanish. Besides, there's nothing wrong with padding my GPA with a class I know I'll easily pass."

"I'm doing the same in my science class," you laughed. "I easily passed chemistry in high school."

"Chemistry, you say?"

"Yeah," you beamed. "Are you taking it?"

"No, I'm not, but I do know someone that's struggling with it."

You opened your mouth to say something but got cut off by the sound of your professor entering the room. A sigh left your lips as you gathered your materials for today's lecture. Alhaitham glanced at you once more before returning to his book.

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