Chapter Six

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Within an hour Rina and Quinn had completely transformed into the Mae twins and Molly was their plus one in the endeavor. Although as soon as a slow dance began and Molly pulled Elana in, Daisy separated from the pair. She was drunk, but she wasn't an idiot, it was their moment.

So instead, she stumbled her way away from the high energy bonfire party to the smaller bonfire in the distance.

"Where are you going?"

Ian jogged up behind her to her side.

She pointed off in the distance to the group of people sitting around a small fire strumming guitars and banging on drums. There was always one group at any party and Daisy gravitated over to them after a while when her feet became sore, and the party became too much.

He nodded his head and walked with her the distance far enough away that the party's music turned into another's.

"Daisy!" A boy yelled, motioning for her to join the circle. She flashed a big smile to the group as she realized who they'd been. Griff, Sam, Don and Ray all familiar faces from her party days with Elana.

"Hey boys" she cheered with a slur as she sunk herself down onto the sand next to Griff. She crossed her legs while pulling her dress down and tucking it between her legs.

"We missed you in the circle." Griff spoke for the group, eyeing the man that sat himself down beside Daisy.

"What happened with Tanner?" Sam asked, eyeing Ian just like the rest of them had been.

"We're still together, he's just," she waved her hand in the air and let the rest of the words trail off as Griff passed her a joint.

She took the joint and looked at Ian.

"Not going to tell on me, are you?"

He shook his head with a small smile and leaned back on his hands. Feeling more at ease in this group than he had been at the large party before.

She took a hit and passed it to her left to Ian who passed it directly to Sam.

"Sober huh?"

"DD." he nodded more casually than Daisy had ever seen him before. He wasn't going to let any of them know who he was to her, and it was apparent.

"Alright Sober, what's your story?" Don said, taking the joint from Sam, taking a hit, and passing it to Ray.

All of the boys looked remarkably similar, they were OBX hippies and to Ian it was obvious. They all had windblown long dusty blonde hair, shirts off and well-worn Khaki shorts. The only one who stood out was Ray, he looked more like Tanner than he did the rest of them, and he had an inclination he was only over here to smoke.

"Names Lee, I'm a friend of Daisy's."

Quinn's face tightened into a smile when he used an alias.

Ray finished taking a few more hits off of the joint, passed it on and left. Brushing the sand off of his pants.

He nodded his head to Quinn. "When Tanner doesn't work out." He gave her a glossy smile and a wink before walking away.

Quinn was obviously affected by what he'd said, she never liked Ray. He came around to use people and then left after getting what he wanted. That was exactly what he'd wanted from her for the past 4 years and she had no interest in giving into him.

"What a prick." Don grimaced.

"Always is." Daisy shrugged, taking the joint.

"Then why do you guys let him hang out?" Ian asked.

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