Chapter Thirty-two

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"NOW!" She screamed at Forks.


"Darling that is not the best Idea, he killed multiple men."

Her eyes widened and narrowed on her father. She was doing this in front of his entire detail in the lobby. She refused to be confined to his office where he could hide away and lay hands on her.


He shook his head vigorously.

"If I have him released, you'll leave." His tone was sad, he was broken. He was a broken man and Daisy always knew that.

"I'm gone either way."

She stabled herself on her crutch.

"And go where? He doesn't want you."

She pursed her lips; he couldn't hurt her with that information. She already knew it.

"Wherever is farthest from you Forks."

She moved the crutch, resting her leg in the air to avoid pressure as she moved away from him to the door.

She got all the way to it when she turned her neck back and looked at him over her shoulder.

"You did this, no matter what you tell the press. I'll remember. I'll remember how you beat me; I'll remember how you forced me to be with a man who cheated on me and tried to assault me, I'll remember how you formed an alliance with Letty who kidnapped me. I will never forget, and I hope that keeps you up every night when you're lying in this great big home all alone. You ruined your own life, but I'm done letting you ruin mine."

One of her fathers Details opened the door for her and she hopped her way out, through the doors, down the stairs and out of his life for good.

Rina was waiting outside to help her into her Jetta to take her to her apartment above Café claws. She grasped onto Daisy's hand and held it as they walked to the car, and she helped her inside.

Daisy would get a car, she would get a home, she would move out soon. But for now, Rina was opening her home to her with open arms.

"How did it go?" Rina asked as they drove. She already knew about the kidnapping; she knew about everything Letty told her. She was in the hospital with her when they were casting her broken foot, she was there when she debriefed the police. She was there for everything before, even if she didn't have her father, she had Rina always.

"It's over." Daisy said releasing a deep breath.

"What about Ian?"

Daisy moved her head to look out the window, "He won't help him."

"Fuck." Rina breathed. "Can't we just bail him out?"

Daisy shook her head, "They aren't giving him a bond. He wasn't employed by Forks, so it wasn't a legal reconnaissance mission. In their eyes it was just murder."

"This is so fucked up."


"Does he not understand that he literally saved your life?" Rina was screeching.

"I don't really want to talk about it." Daisy was fighting back tears. He came for her, but he had also left her and used her. She was fighting with herself; she was going back and forth on the idea that he came for her because he had loved her, but the more realistic answer was he'd done it because he wanted to kill the Folles. He had always had an issue with them, not just Tanner.

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