68. The Verdict

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The verdict followed swiftly.

Both counselors gave their eloquent and trailing speeches about why the Princess Sybil did or did not deserve the worst death imaginable, and then sat back in their seats. The judge thanked them for their insights and stepped out to "deliberate" Sybil's sentence. The public chattered quietly in his absence.

Sybil stared at the bottom of the judge's podium. Her finger tips pressed tight into her palms.

It was not five minutes before the judge re-entered. He presented a piece of paper to Prince Thomas, who nodded with a frown. The judge approached his podium and faced the crowd as he glanced over his sheet. He cleared his throat and drew in a breath.

"The court would like to thank his majesty, his highness, and the royal counselors here today for their participation in this trial. While this conclusion was not easy to arrive at, it is fair and in accordance with all Wardian laws — as per Prince Holden's request. Her highness Princess Sybil has been accused of kidnapping a royal, threatening a royal, battering a royal, assaulting a royal, aiding in the assault of a royal, imprisoning a royal, attempting to kill a royal, and even forcing a royal to compete in games against his will, among fifty-two other counts. After reviewing the evidence and listening to the testimonies, the court finds Princess Sybil guilty on all charges."

The crowd broke out into another murmur and Counselor Jane buried her face in her hands.

"Now the punishment for any one of these crimes is a slow and painful death, of which the court finds Princess Sybil deserving. However, out of respect for her title, and out of respect for the peace agreement that was once drafted between Lailoy and our noble Ward, the court sentences Princess Sybil to swift execution, carried out at the first light of morning. Court dismissed." And the judge put his paper down and walked away.

Holden's counselor let out a hearty "Hoorah!" while the Counselor Jane was dead silent. Sybil stared straight at the bottom of the podium as her defender rose from her seat and waited. Princess Sybil slowly, slowly rose as well, her pale blue dress unruffling as she stood. She stepped to the side, pushed her seat in and turned to face the aisle.

She saw Prince Holden's shoes turn to face her. He took a step out into the aisle.


Holden and his counselor froze. In fact, the entire courtroom seemed to quiet down. Holden withdrew his foot from the aisle and stood there facing the princess.

Sybil didn't move her gaze from his black-sandaled feet.

"Take off the mask."

Words as hollow and cold as death.

Prince Holden sighed. "Sybil..."

"Take off the mask and face me!" She met Holden's eyes.

The guards that stood on the edges of the courtroom began to approach but Prince Holden held up a hand. He took in a deep breath and sighed as he obeyed her command. He slipped the deer mask off of him and held it at his side.

Sybil stared at the man she knew as the Wardian, her servant, her prisoner; hers.

"I tried telling you what would happen if you didn't let me go."

"You should have told me you were the prince!"

"You said the prince was the person you hated most in this world!"

"He is." Tears burned in her eyes.


"Get me out of here," she told Jane. "I'd rather die than spend another minute with him." And Sybil looked at him a way he'd never seen anybody look at him before. Her gaze hit. Shot. Pierced. Holden's breath caught as though he'd been plunged into cold water.

And the guards escorted her out of the courtroom. And the Wardian only watched. It was silent, in his mind, as her little figure grew smaller and smaller until it passed through the great oaken doors.

"Suuuuuuch a pretty girl," Counselor Bailey said behind him. "It's too bad she's nuts, huh?"

Holden didn't reply.

"Well, by tomorrow morning, it'll all be over. We won, your highness. You wanted justice and you got your wish."

"Tomorrow morning?" Holden asked.

"Sure, weren't you listening? Her execution's at dawn."

"Dawn?" Holden gripped his mask a little tighter. "Isn't that a bit soon? Isn't there normally a... a waiting period or something?"

"His Majesty Prince Thomas had everything set up ahead of time in case this was the verdict. Said you deserved swift justice. I'm inclined to agree."

"Shit." Holden felt his heart race, and he headed down the aisle. "Sybil!" He called. He could still see that little blue dress of hers in the distance. "Sybil—"

Two guards blocked his path to the door. He came to an abrupt stop.

They looked at him. He looked at them. His brother approached them from the side. 

"Brother," Holden called. "Tell them to let me through."

Prince Thomas didn't even spare him a glance. "Take Prince Holden to his room. Make sure he doesn't interfere with the outcome of the very same trial that he begged me to hold." The elder prince stamped his words with a glance shot from the corner of his eye.

"Thomas," Holden started but the guards stamped their spears. The young prince grunted in frustration and took one last look at where Sybil had been.

But she was gone.

Holden furrowed his brow and he felt his spirits sink.

"Come now, your highness," one of the guards said, and Holden snarled and followed. Prince Thomas watched him until he was out of sight, much to Holden's chagrin.

When he was out of the courtroom, Prince Holden felt a feeling broil in his chest. It was a feeling that demanded recognition and cried for action. It was a feeling that called for release. It was a feeling of certitude.

Princess Sybil would not die tomorrow.

Princess Sybil would not die the day after.

As much as he hated her, as much as he despised her... Sybil did not deserve death. She deserved something much more difficult. Much more challenging.

She deserved life. And Holden was going to make sure she got what she deserved through whatever means necessary.

A/N: Finally. The chapter I've waited two calendar years to write 😌

Hope you enjoyed :)

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