104. Poison

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The silver-haired girl was tall for how slim she was, and dressed in all the fineries of a high-class Wardian lady. Holden was quite certain this was the same woman who'd spoken at the lunch table, and if he'd doubted his recognition of her face, he could not doubt his recognition of her personality. She had an air of certitude about her unseen in Wardian wives, and a boldness that few men could even boast of. She raised her chin as she stood in the middle of the room and loudly stated:  "This coronation must not happen!"

While Holden was more curious about the woman than offended by her, the same could not be said for Thomas. "Who are you?" he called. "Arrest her! Guards!"

The guards, who had only been awaiting the inevitable order, lurched forward. But the woman did not waver. "I am Princess Morrigan of Ward," she said. "Eldest daughter of Emperor Warrick and sister to the regeant king and heir." With that, she gave a significant look to the younger prince, and to his brother. "You will not arrest me. In fact, you shall not take a single step nearer."

The palace guard, which was halfway down the aisle, balked. To Holden's left, Sybil had also stood in surprise. She did not look on the so-called princess with curiosity or offense. She looked at her with hunger. She could not do it here, of course. That would be bad press. And besides, her mother would chide her later for it and the blood stains would be tricky to get out. But she would do it sometime soon. Holden's sister or not. 

"We have no princess!" Thomas replied. "Guards, take her down!"

"You shall not lay a finger on her!"

A church bell of a voice. The entire hall went silent. From the double doors, the black-robed, sandal-footed Emperor Warrick strode in. He appeared entirely displeased.

"Dad?" The word was involuntary from Holden.

"Father?" Thomas echoed in much the same tone.

"She is the Princess of Ward," he said, coming to the woman's side. "And as such, you will all listen to what she has to say."

Thomas and Holden shared a glance. She did have Wardian features. Wardian royal features. Almond eyes, a mid-sized nose and a sharp jaw line. It wasn't impossible that she could be their blood. But then... how?

Morrigan cleared her throat. She faced the flummoxed officiant. "I'd like to contest this coronation," she said, as though this were a restaurant, and he were a waiter.

The officiant gave a glance to Thomas, who seemed to burn with fury, despite his silence. The officiant turned back to the girl. "On what grounds do you contest?"

"On the grounds that Prince Holden and Princess Sybil were never officially married."

Murmurs in the crowd. Holden took a single step forward and all attention turned on him. "Maybe you missed it," he called, "but we were married. Three times."

That actually managed to earn some snickers from the general assembly. Morrigan, however, was not amused. 

The officiant pointed to the book he'd previously been reading his oration from. "I have the documentation right here that says they were wed. Why half of our esteemed guests would be able to tell you they saw the wedding with their own eyes."

More murmurs. Looking out, Holden could tell that this was very nearly the same crowd that had attended their wedding ceremony.

"I have no doubt there was a wedding," Morrigan replied. "But that wedding was contested, was it not?"

"It was," the officiant allowed. "But the certainty ceremony was completed, as per Wardian law, thereby nullifying any past, present, or future contestation. Including your contestation now."

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