Chapter 2: Castaways

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           Refugus's teleportation chamber, upon exiting the barrier placed between Snardentus and everywhere else, continued to sail across the sky. It glowed a faint purple amongst an ever-encompassing mass of darkness, which was only lit by distant cities and the stars above them. Moments continued to pass by as Lancer and Lanosis stood completely broken beyond repair.

            Neither of them could shed any more tears at this point. Lancer simply sat down with his face pressed against his knees while Lanosis burned holes into the floor. They didn't even bother looking outside the chamber to see where they were going.

            All the two could think about was their uncle, Refugus, and how he sacrificed himself to ensure their own survival. It was a brave act, but, unfortunately, all it did was tear them apart inside.

            Why? Lanosis clenched his teeth together. Why didn't he come with us?!

            Lancer peaked his head up to look at his brother. He frowned, not knowing exactly what to do or say that would comfort him. After all, his mental state was just as bad, if not a little worse than his.

            It was times like this that Lancer wished he could hug his mother. Even when compared to his father, the former queen always knew how to comfort him during times of great stress and sadness.

            But now, in his greatest time of need, he had a feeling that such a moment could never happen again.

            Please be alive. Please. Lancer mentally pleaded for his mother's safety, wherever she might be.

            A few more moments came to pass until suddenly, the teleportation chamber came to an abrupt stop. It slowly transported itself lower to the ground before vanishing in an opaque torrent of purple electricity.

            Upon touching the grass beneath their feet, Lancer and Lanosis looked around in confusion. This entire environment, whatever it was, felt much different than Snardentus, including its skies, sounds, atmosphere, and even smells. What was even stranger about this part of the world was that both of them felt a tad-bit lighter than they did in the Gamma Kingdom.

            It felt similar to the power Refugus's Eun gave them, yet a little less potent.

            "So this is the outside world, huh?" Lancer asked. He stood up straight to gauge any changes his body might be experiencing.

            "Yeah," Lanosis grunted. It seemed to be far bigger than Refugus made it out to be. "It's gonna take some getting used to..."

            Lancer shook his head.

            "No, being on our own is what we need to get used to. How in the world are we supposed to survive out here?"

            "Don't start, Lancer. Complaining isn't going to solve anything." Lanosis glowered.

            "Well, what do you expect me to do? We have no food, no water, and no idea where we even are!" Lancer expressed his frustrations. "Heck, I don't even know where we are in comparison to... home?"

            His eyes widened in surprise. Lanosis quirked a brow, not expecting his brother to stop whining and complaining so soon.

            "Uh... what's up? Your brain run out of things to go on a tangent about?"

            "No, the Gamma Kingdom... It's gone, Lanosis! I can't see it anymore." Lancer shouted.

            The older prince thought he was going crazy. There was no way a civilization as massive as the Gamma Kingdom could vanish just like that.

Spell Casters - Book 1: The Eye of the StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora