Chapter 6: The Mindscape

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  A/N: Chapter 7 will be written shortly after this one, hopefully, so please enjoy and let me know what you think. I'm open to receiving any kind of feedback.

Within the Dining Hall, Lancer, Lanosis, and everyone else sat around a long wooden table. The two princes felt a little uncomfortable sitting on small cushions, but once Nell brought out the food, they quickly got used to it. She proved to be a fairly versatile cook and server, passing out dish after dish with her tentacle-like strands of hair.

Apart from rice and some basic vegetables, each plate consisted of food that the Leoto brothers had never seen before. That didn't matter all that much, though, since they ended up finding everything quite delicious. They would have ended up devouring everything in sight if it weren't for the manners their parents, namely their mother, Queen Lanalee, had taught them.

Dalquilae watched Lancer and Lanosis gorge on their meals with a look of disgust on her face. She stood atop a wooden, tree-like perch next to Zuken's chair, whom as Royal Legion West's Grandmaster, was seated in the center of the table.

"Could you please chew with your mouth closed, Lanosis? You're going to make me lose my appetite!"

Lanosis swallowed a ton of food in one single gulp and stared at her.

"Eh, you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure eagles don't need to eat that much, anyways."

Dalquilae deadpanned. "I am an Aquila, child! There is a difference."

"Potato potahto. Speaking of which..." Lanosis grabbed some cut up pieces of potatoes and stuck them in his mouth. "These are some pretty good potatoes, Master Nell. No hair in them too, which is an added bonus."

Nell groaned. "For the last time, dear, I do not shed pieces of my hair when cooking. And you're welcome."

"Yeah. Show a little common decency, brat. She doesn't normally make all this food in one night, so you should be grateful." Ralko snarled while eating from a plate of salad.

Lanosis sighed and rested a hand on his cheek in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to hound me all at once, guys."

Lancer, while seated next to Kai, took a break from eating his food to divulge more information about Royal Legion West and the outside world as a whole.

"So, you mentioned that we're in some continent called Coligad. What part of it are we in exactly?" He asked.

Cadroka looked at him from her side of the table. "Not that it really matters, but our guild is situated in a country known as the United Colonies of Coligad, or the UCC for short. It's one of the most populous nations in the entire world, specifically in regard to Eunons."

"It's also a pretty popular tourist attraction! Thousands of people from the other eight continents visit all thirteen colonies every year." Nell added in an enthusiastic tone. "And with you two around, I guess that includes Snardentus as well. Pretty neat, huh?"

Lanosis stroked his chin. "Thirteen colonies in one country? Are they pretty big?"

"They vary in size, but Cole, the colony we live in, is the largest. Its capital, Eunotropolis, is the most populous city in the entire world, in fact." Kai explained with a wide, mischievous grin on his face. "That's where the real magic happens, boys. You haven't truly lived until you've gone there."

"Heh. Sounds interesting." Lanosis said.

"Please. You're only saying that because of the stupid Spellbound Rumble tournament they hold every few years." Ralko scowled. He took a sip of water and slammed it back down on the counter. "Commercialization and greed ruined that event a long time ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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