Chapter 3: Westward Expansion

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Kai studied the boys a bit more. Judging from their looks of confusion, they genuinely didn't seem to know what a Spell Spirit was. This wasn't all that surprising given how perceptions of magic have changed over the years, but he still assumed these children would be different somehow.

"Interesting. You really don't know what they are, huh?"

He almost sounded a little disappointed, much to Lanosis's further annoyance.

"Well, what did you expect? We're not exactly from this part of the world, so get off our backs!"

"Oh yeah?" Kai stroked his beard. "Then where, might I ask, are you from, boys?"

Lancer raised his finger. "We're—"

"Don't answer that. We have no reason to trust this guy, Lancer."

Lanosis protectively stood in front of his brother and glared at the old man. Kai shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine, don't trust me. It's not like I'm the only one who knows what that little mark on your brother's forehead means." He tilted his hat forward to cover his face. "If you don't wish to find out, I'll be on my way."

He spun around and slowly walked away, using his staff as a walking stick.


Kai stopped walking to glance over at Lancer. He could already tell that he had a more softer and curious disposition compared to his older brother. Even his orange eyes had a unique warmth to them that he couldn't help feeling drawn to.

He thought over his words before speaking. "Do... Do you really know what it means?"

"Seriously, Lancer? What did I just say?!" Lanosis scowled.

The brothers both exchanged fervent glares with one another.

"Just lighten up, Lanosis! If I do have some lion dragon... whatever inside of me, I need to find out what it is and where it came from."

Kai smiled from ear to ear. His prior suspicions about the boy's abilities were now proven correct.

"Ah. So, your Spell Spirit is Ridmos. I had a feeling that was the case." He chuckled. "Though, the thunderstorm created from your Eun did give it away, I suppose..."

Lancer frowned. He was beginning to wonder how Kai knew so much about this particular spirit and, arguably, Eun in general.

Lanosis, on the other hand, was wondering why they were still speaking with this weirdo. However, he'd be lying if he said that the old man wasn't a useful source of information.

"Before you start giving out random names, tell us what the hell a Spell Spirit is, so we can all be on the same page and move on with our lives."

Kai sighed. Within the blink of an eye, he transported himself directly behind Lanosis and rested his staff on top of the boy's shoulder.

How did he—

The old man clicked his tongue. "Tsk, tsk. You really need to work on that temper, Lanosis. We're only having a casual conversation here."

He then used his staff to lean closer to Lancer.

"Has he always been like this?"

"Yep. Pretty much."

"Gee. Thanks for the support." Lanosis grumbled in a sarcastic tone.

"Now, now. Let's just all settle down and listen to what I have to say, alright? Okay." Kai cleared his throat and sat down on the grass. "Now, bear with me, kids. This might be a little hard to follow."

Spell Casters - Book 1: The Eye of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now