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its the last day of sophomore year. Im at the park with all my friends. Its currently 1:30am on june 17th. Its hot enough for shorts but cold enough to bring a sweater. Its kansas. its always warm but also cold. Dont know why but it is. its a nice 70 degrees. We have weed and liquor because we are the rejects. 


Name- Alie. (me)

Birthday- march 19th (16 years old)

appearance- Ginger, short, and crippled.

Name- Leo

Birthday- July 12th (15 years old)

appearance- Black, tall, and overall npc

Name- Isa

Birthday- April 1st (15 years old)

appearance- Black hair, short, and brutally honest

Name- Alessa

Birthday- February 13th (15 years old)

appearance- short, brown hair, and is the Mexican mom 

Thats the members of my friend group. Since our senior friends left, but that's lowkey their fault for leaving us so early. We are all a little mental. It shows when were sober. Once we have Monster, Vodka and a few blunts we are way too comfortable. the only one not smoking or drinking is Isa. 

"Come on gurl get good for real." Leo chimes

"Yea gurl you need to try come on." I whine

"Nope!" She says

"Why?" Alessa retorts

"Because im good on needing to rely on flavored air for the rest of my life." She says

"This isnt flavored air." Leo snaps. 

"Technically its not. Technically its plants." i reply sounding like a total nerd. we all start laughing. I pass the blunt to Isa after taking a few big hits. She looks at me and says "Well fuck it i guess." We all laugh and cheer her on. Damn we are so high that we are cheering her on. What the fuck. Next thing i see is red and blue flashing lights. I jack the weed and Leo takes the alcohol. We all start running. I ran into the forest with Leo.

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