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"I was just telling Mr. and Mrs. Brock about your singing talent and how you love skateboarding." Mom says. She is studying as my face doesnt shift from being a neutral straight face.

"oh. cool." I say almost in a whisper. 

"You should sing something for everyone!" Mom suggests.

"oh. uhm no thanks mom. They will probably hear me some later time when im out here singing like i do you know?" I say and back up a little, not in an afraid way but in a way of wanting to get out of the situation im in and obviously uncomfortable in. 

"Maybe later." Mrs Brock suggests. 

"great idea." I say giving her a 'Thank you smile'. she could either tell i was uncomfortable or nervous. She returns a smile. I look around a little to see what exactly is going on with everyone. Im better at observing than speaking. I take a seat on the chair in the only corner with shade. Andrew is playing in the rocks. Dad and Mr Brock are conversing and BBQing each on their own grills. I take my phone out so it doesnt look like im just a creep who is staring at everyone from a distance. I go to change my music. I put on Video Games by Lana Del Rey, I put both my headphones in. I lean back on my sun chair thats in the shade and try to not look suspicious at all. I look up for a split second to see Sam and Colby talking. Colby is smiling and laughing. Sam is red of laughter. I look back down at my phone. I turn my phone off and let my head fall back onto the backrest of my chair. 


The buzz of my phone scared the shit outta me. I flinched so hard. its a random #...Great.

Random #: Hey you okay?

Me: Who is this. 

Random #: Colby who else.

Me: Oh. yea im fine. dw abt me.

Random #: no need to lie. Its clear something is wrong

Me: This is why i stay in my room fr. 

I put my phone on my leave me alone focus. I turn the volume all the way up. I put my phone in my pocket and go back inside. Im walking up the stairs when i hear Sam and Colby come in the sliding glass door. I need to smoke more. I need to be so high that i cant open my eyes. I trip on the stairs and slam my bad knee on the stairs. I run to my room. I feel the tears start to drip down my face. The pain is unbearable. 

Me: Mom i fell on the stairs and slammed my knee on the stairs on accident. it hurts really bad.

Mom: Take some pain meds. take it easy

Me: k

the end of the beginningWhere stories live. Discover now