The Day Of Christmas!.🎄

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The day dawned, cold, rainy, gloomy, as Lenny and Otis yawned and stretched, they each realised that last nights planned repeat performance of their long awaited union, had in fact, not been on the cards at all.

Exhaustion left lingering from the past few days, had finally caught up to the pair, overriding any raging desires they may have had on entering the silky haven of Otis's bed.

"Are you singing?".

Otis yawned as he rolled to face the blonde haired man, who was still slipping in and out of sleep, fighting the urge to just slip back into the oblivion of his hazy mind.

"Nnnnnnoooooo!" Lenny murmured, lazily raising an eyebrow at the slightly odd question.

"Hmph, maybe it's just me, I'm probably losing the plot" Otis stretched and yawned again.

The singing, which had up to then been quiet, barely audible, was growing in volume, the musical notes of 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas" flooding the flat with sound.

"What the hell?".

Lenny, wide awake, looked around the room, "Simon?, Jeremy?, what are you two up to now?" he called out, only a little irritated at being woken so abruptly.

Otis, now sitting beside him chuckled, "they're at it again huh?".

"I reckon so, the blooming trouble makers" Lenny laughed as he slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

Otis followed seconds later, grabbing up clean underwear, and the obligatory ugly Christmas jumpers he and Lenny had purchased the previous night, during their late night flit to Tesco.

Dressed in jeans, and those ugly Christmas jumpers, laughing at how daft they both looked, the pair headed towards the kitchen.

"Hang on, back it up a bit", Otis suddenly tugged on the back of Lennys jumper, pulling him back as they passed the living room door.

"What's that?".

Lenny walked towards the lit up Christmas tree, a box beneath the tree seeming to be the source of the joyful music, and a light that illuminated the floor around it.

"Better open it I guess, it looks like Jeremy and Simons surprise", Otis sat on the sofa as Lenny pulled the box out from beneath the tree.

Setting the jiggling receptacle on the table, Lenny flipped the lid open.

Set inside the box were three candles, in individual pots, one green, one purple and one a deep orange colour.

"What's this?" Otis furrowed his brow as he removed the candles from the box, setting it aside he lined the candles up on the table.

"LIGHT........ ME...........UP".

Lenny read the words on the pots out loud, "I've got some matches in the kitchen, hang on" Otis left and returned quickly.

As the flames caught and the candles began to burn, wisps of coloured smoke spiralled upwards, then more, thicker, colour becoming increasingly intense as Otis and Lenny stepped back, not knowing what the hell was going on, and if it was actually safe to have lit those candles.

"What the fuck?" Otis whispered as figures began to form in the air, one by one shadows of their loved ones, Jeremy and Simon formed, and a woman Otis didn't know, shorter than the two male figures, with Lennys bright smile, crazy orange hair and dressed like a hippy from the 70s, with huge round owl glasses .

"Whaaaaat the hell?" Lennys jaw dropped as Otis simply stared, unable to fully compute that above each candle, the shadows were becoming more dense, more solid, more........ human.

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