TB-ED 7: Enticing Gentleness

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What did he even mean by everything I did with Natsume?

Wait. Was he actually thinking that I did some inappropriate things with Natsume last night?

I couldn't believe this. Like, really.

This dirty-minded devil.

It was my turn to scoff, getting exceedingly annoyed. "Whatever we did last night isn't your fucking business, so let me go."

Aomine Daiki didn't respond but I could tell that what I said only pissed him off even more because I saw his jaw tensed, as if he was clenching his teeth to control his anger.

What the hell is up with this guy?

I couldn't understand why he was suddenly acting like this or why he was saying such things, or why he was mad at me in the first place just because I was with Natsume last night.

I mean, he was supposed to hate me for heaven's sake. He was supposed to not give a damn about anything that involved me and my life.

"Daiki? Miyako?"

Boy was I glad when I heard my mother's voice.

"Mom," I blurted out, relief flooding over me. I turned to look at her. She was standing by the front porch, eyeing us curiously. "Natsume just left. He took me home."

Aomine's grip on my arm finally loosened up so I took that chance to yank it free from his hold. I hurriedly opened the gate then strode towards my mother, not even sparing him another glance.

"What were you two doing?" she asked, examining my face.

"Nothing. We weren't doing anything," I assured her, relaxing my expression. "We were just talking."

Yeah. Talking, my ass. As if. Your stepson just basically harassed me. Again.

"Oh, alright," she said then turned towards my stepbrother who remained standing on the same spot. "You should also come in now, Daiki. Breakfast is ready."

As expected, Aomine Daiki didn't give my mother any sort of response. He just merely looked at us with that indifferent gaze of his as if he didn't hear a thing.

Wow. Talk about rude.

You know, it kind of amazed me how my mother was able to take this much hostility from him every single day. It was very clear that he didn't want anything to do with her, yet she was still trying to get him to open up to her.

She deserved props.

If it was me, I had probably left Aomine Daichi ages ago.


My baby brother and Uncle Daichi were already seated in front of the dining table when my mother and I came.

"Nee-chwan~" Kaito chirped immediately upon seeing me, flailing his arms in front of him, wanting me to carry him. So I obliged and took him out of his baby chair.

I smiled when he wrapped his small arms around my neck, burying his face in my shoulder. "Did you miss nee-chan?"

"Yes. Kaito missed nee-chwan~"

Giggling, I kissed the back of his head. He was such a sweet baby. "I missed you too, little guy."

"Have you eaten breakfast yet, Miyako?" I heard my Uncle Daichi ask, getting my attention. He was giving me the usual kind smile of his, rendering me wordless for a moment.

The Blue-eyed Devil (Kuroko no Basuke)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon