TB-ED 5: Sweetened Devilry

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"So, are you not just gonna talk to me for the rest of your life?"

Wiping the tears in my eyes, I turned to look at my mother who was eyeing me with that fixed frown on her forehead. She came to call me when I didn't show up downstairs for dinner, but all I had been doing was ignore her. She was situated near the door, her arms crossed over to her chest. I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't know where to start. I had so much to say I didn't even know which comes first anymore.

She heaved a deep sigh, an apologetic look instantly came to stamp across her face. She must've finally realized what the problem was. "Is this about your transfer to Touo?"

As if what she said had caused something inside of me to snap, my entire body shook violently. It was like I would burst any moment and evaporate into thin air because of the emotions that were filling me up.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe this time I want to stay and graduate in Kaijou?!" My voice came out so loud and unstable that she gasped in surprise, eyes popping wide. "That maybe.. I don't know... I don't want to leave my friends?!"

"Yeah. But I was just thinking--"

"About you!" I cried, cutting her off. "Because you're always thinking about you!"

Her eyes grew even wider and her arms fell down to her sides, lifeless. "Miyako..."

"Have you ever asked me about anything, Mom? Did you ever ask me if I'm okay with this? Did you ask me if I wanted to live here?" I didn't get an immediate response from her, so I continued, "I've been putting up with this all my life and I'm fucking tired of it!"

Without giving her the chance to say anything more, I strode towards the door, hurriedly opening it---only to gasp when I saw Daiki on the other side, looking so surprised as well. Our gazes met, and I knew instantly something was different. He was staring at me as though this was the first time he'd ever had a good look at my face. I didn't know if he had heard everything, but at the moment I just wanted to run far away from this place as fast as possible, so I didn't bother asking and raced down the stairs.

Whether Aomine Daiki heard everything or not, I simply didn't give a damn.

I was so done. All I wanted to do was to get out of this hellhole.


The noise of the city was enough to drown my soft sobs as I stroll around unfamiliar streets. It was a bit cold, as I was only wearing a cotton shirt and didn't have enough time to grab a coat, but still I figured I could manage.

For ten long years after my father died, I always had.

"Miyako," a familiar deep voice suddenly called out my name from behind, causing me to stop walking in the middle of the street.

After wiping my tears away, I turned to look at the person who was walking closer to where I stood with quick strides. It was my stepbrother. The concern in his gaze was enough to send me completely idle for a minute. I couldn't quite comprehend the expression he was making. It was one of those faces I'd never expected he would make.

"D-Daiki.. What are you doing here?"

He merely stared at me and didn't say anything. I waited for him to speak but nothing came out from that foul mouth of his. After another minute, however, he removed the jacket he was wearing then wrapped it around my freezing body.

It didn't smell anything like fancy men's cologne, but it surprisingly smelt good. It was warm.

"Thank you," I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. I wasn't exactly used to seeing this Aomine Daiki since he was usually a jerk whenever he was around me.

The Blue-eyed Devil (Kuroko no Basuke)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt