older childish! Onceler x slightly younger Mother-like! Reader ( sick day)

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no ones pov:

     Everyday Onceler would go out to the square to sell his thneed with a catchy song and his donkey Martin, and everyday he'd go home defeated and covered in whatever produce the town decided to throw that day. Well, everyday until (y/n) moved there. The next day like clockwork, the Onceler come to town and started his singing, catching a certain (h/c) persons attention. Tomatoes started to be thrown and (y/n) stormed up to the the front of the crowd and started to go off on them,
"How DARE you people?! Can't you see haw amazing he's doing? He's doing a HELL of a lot better than the lot of you sad saps. He's out here making a name for himself and you people have the AUDACITY to throw things at him?! Get a life" they practically roared at the now stunned crowd then turned to the even more stunned young man.
"(y/n)(l/n), nice to meet you. How much for one of those thneeds? I heard you say they can be used as bags" they smiled as they took out their wallet and a small piece of paper.

Oncelers pov:

   I couldn't believe it...they were so nice! And they wanted to buy a thneed! "O-oh! They're 3.49! I'm Onceler by they way"
Shit I stuttered...they were just so nice to look at...I mean nice to me! They smiled and pulled out a crisp 5 and handed it to me, the little paper on top with a series of numbers on it. I handed them to bright pink fabric, my face matching in color. "Thanks Once, give me a call the next time you come out here, I'll keep watch to make sure you're all set" 
They stood on their toes and ruffled my hair before smiling and walking away. Oooooh mommy...I MEAN mother...I MEAN.... SHIT! I felt my face get bright red and I ran home.

The next day
 (y/n) pov

          I woke up to my phone buzzing, I looked at it and it was Onceler! He was asking to meet up in the square so I pulled the thneed over myself like a sweater, it was so soft and comfy. Quickly packing two lunches and waters I walked out the door and made a b line to town. Spotting the now familiar blue eyed boy I walked over to him. He seemed upset, his eyes were puffy and dark circles hung low beneath them, but he greeted me with much energy and basically tackled me in a hug. "(y/n) you came! Your wearing my thneed too! wow you look amazing!"
I felt myself blush a bit and gave him a nice big mom hug, the ones I used to give to my younger siblings back home. He reminded me so much of them, I just felt the need to take care of him. He yawned and buried his head in my neck, he was burning up! "Once honey are you feeling alright? You look exhausted and your burning up..." 
"Yeah yeah I'm fine...Just was up kinda late last night collecting supplies for thneeds is all" He yawned again.
"ONCE! It was pouring las night you probably got yourself a cold! Now, you're coming home with me so you can rest because I can't trust you to take care of yourself right now." I helped him up and wrapped my thneed around him, leaving me in just my tank top and jeans.
"B-but! (y/n)! I don't wannaaaaa!" he complained as he dragged his feet behind me.
I got him to my house FINALLY and got him set up in my bed with lots of covers and a cup of hot tea. He kept trying to get up, sneak out, or over work himself. Finally I was able to keep him down with a cheesy movie and some damaged clothes he insisted on "making better" but as long as he stays down and rests that's all that matters.
"(yyyyyy/nnnnn)? Im bored!" I sighed and smiled a bit as the scratch tied voice coming from the room. I walked into the bedroom to find him going through my dresser.
 "ONCE NO!" but he found the secret drawer anyways, I saw his face flush red and I pulled him back to the bed. 
"Once I know you're bored but you can't go through my things honey" I sighed and covered him back up, sitting in the bed next to him. I rubbed his head and shoulders until he finally relaxed and laid his head in my lap. I thought he had fallen asleep so I placed a soft kiss on his head. I started to doze off myself when I heard "those didn't look like they covered much...whats the poi-"
I cut him off with a small laugh "I'll tell you when your older"

"but I'm older than you.....youd look good in those" 
"shhhhhh...go to sleep"
"ok mommy~"
If he wasn't so damn cute I'd smack him I swear.... the nicknames kinda hot though.

Hey! Hope this isn't too terrible! I tried something a litter different than what I'd normally do and idk how I feel about it. I'll have to practice this topic better so I can do this amazing dynamic justice. Anyways babes! Hope you enjoyed at least a little bit and I will see you guys tomorrow for a new story!

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