Caring! Onceler x Disney fan! Reader (kiss the girl)

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       Onelers pov:

     I was working on paper work, wanting to throw the pen across the room and be finished for the day but I had promised my mother I'd at least finish this stack. (Y/n) was sitting on the floor behind my desk watching a movie on their laptop, their (f/c) headphones ruffling their (h/c) hair in a cute way. They were humming "beauty and the beast" as they watched the gold and blue waltz on the screen with shinning eyes. I loved how much just being in the same with me and a Disney movie could make their day. I worked until I felt their head fall against my knee, their (e/c) eyes closed and soft snores coming from their pink lips. Carefully getting up as to not wake them I picked them up and carried them to our room, I smiled at the thought of how flustered they'd be if they were awake, just to be carried like the princesses in the movies they loved so dearly would cause them to turn fifty shades of pink and red. Maybe next time I can get that reaction. My thoughts wondered to all the ways I could see them a blushing stuttering mess and I got a wonderful idea. The perfect idea actually. I Laid them in bed and immediately started on the perfect way to ask them to be mine, something straight out of a Disney movie.

The next morning, (y/n pov):

    I woke up to the sound of dished clattering down stairs and sat up only to find a small box and a note on the nightstand. I picked it up and read it, "Good morning prince(ss)~ I hope you slept well. I have a magical day planned so get dressed at meet me downstairs." Oh. My. Gosh! I quickly opened the present and saw a beautiful tiara with (f/c) gems. I got dressed in a cute (dress/suit) to match the tiara and ran downstairs and saw Onceler in his green suit only without his top hat and glasses. I tackled him in a hug and thanked him for the tiara. "Just wait my prince(ss)~ it only gets better from here"
I couldn't wait for everything he had planned!

no ones pov:

    After eating a quick breakfast, Onceler led (y/n) to the garden where he had set up a painting station with another letter. "The first time I came to your house you were watching Tangled and said how much you'd love to paint if you had the space so go wild sunflower~" 
They painted for a an hour or so, (y/n) having their hands with splashes of paint from their hard work and even a little on their face. Onceler reached over and gently wiped it off their face, his hand lingering on their cheek until a bright crimson appeared on both of their faces. They went to the library next to read the original Beauty and the Beast book, when they settled down in the large comfy chair with the book another letter fell out "my dearest (y/n), I know how much you love this movie so I thought I'd buy the original book for you to have. You deserve it my beauty~"
(Y/n) melted as they held the old leather bound book in their hands, they opened it and laid their head on Oncelers shoulder and started reading. After they finished the book it was starting to get dark out and Onceler lead them to the lake where a lovely little boat was waiting, tea lights and fairy lights lit it up making it look magical.

Oncelers pov:

     I helped them in the boat and pushed it into the water, hopping in last minute and started rowing. While they were distracted I grabbed my guitar I had stored under the seats of the boat and started playing "kiss the girl" from their favorite movie. They looked at me with eyes wide with wonder and admiration as I played the song for them, singing the words for them as my last note. I finished playing and looked into their gorgeous (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n), I love you like you love Disney, I would be the happiest man in the world if you'd be my prince(ss) ... so, will you be mine?" I asked while holding their hands.
"Once...of course I will! You've made me the happiest person in the universe and I want you to be my prince charming forever and always"
I smiled and pulled them into a passionate yet gentle and loving kiss, moving my lips with theirs as I pulled them into my lap, one hand on their cheek, the other snaked around their waist. I finally got my happily ever after with my perfect and beautiful prince(ss) (y/n).

AHHHH another one down, this took me so much longer to write than I was hoping but I'm quite proud of how turned out. I hope you all enjoyed! Lots of love babes

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