Chapter 17

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Tuesday night

Lenna moved several inches closer to the glass as if inches would make a difference. She was sure the distance between the two flashes was feet apart.

"There!" Micki said, pointing. "I see a shadow."

"Where?" Lenna asked.

"See the two tree trunks on either side of the bush? Something is moving between them, nearer the tree on the right."

A shadow was the best description she could think of. It appeared to be much smaller than the surrounding trees, and now looking at it, it seemed misplaced. The yard maintenance crew manicured the edge of the forest, giving a cathedral appearance to those viewing the forest from the house. The bush was an exception. It was a blue huckleberry bush that was plentiful in the Cascades.

As she watched, the object moved behind the nearest tree. There was no doubt about it. Someone was out there, and now Lenna was beginning to fear the worst. Was he the visitor from the pickup parked on the county road? Why would someone be in the woods on such a cold, snowy night? Terrible, frightening thoughts came to her mind. Her heart dropped, and her breaths accelerated.

Lenna grabbed Micki by the hand and pulled her away from the window. "Do you have your phone?" Lenna asked. Micki pulled her cell from her pajama pocket. "Close the bedroom door, call 911, and whatever you do, don't come out of the room. Got it?"

"Yes," Micki said as she dialed the emergency number.

Lenna dashed out of her room and down the stairs, and Brutus was close behind. She pulled her phone from her pocket as she crossed the living room. She found the light switches next to the front door and switched on the outside lightning. She felt relief as the yard immediately flooded with light.

She called Jon, and as soon as he answered, she said, "Jon, there is a prowler in my backyard. Micki is calling 911."

"What? Prowler?" Jon said excitedly. "I'm on my way." The line went dead. It would take Jon twenty minutes to get there.

She stood at the head of the hallway that led to the back door. The hall separated the dining room from the family and utility rooms. Brutus took up watch next to her with a low growl. She knew the door was made of solid wood and was held in place by a lock on the handset and a deadbolt.

She heard boots on the deck as the prowler approached the back door. The door rattled as the prowler tested the doorknob. Brutus growled, and hair stood up on the back of his neck.

Everything quieted. Lenna's breaths came shallow and fast, and her heart rate matched that of an athlete at the end of a 100-meter dash. Brutus pressed against her as if attempting to push her back into the living room.

The prowler slammed his shoulder against the door. Leena involuntarily jumped as the sound vibrated through her body. Her chest tightened, and her stomach lurched.

Brutus barked and launched himself toward the door.

Lenna knew the back door was solid, but it was no match if someone wanted in. The prowler slammed against the door again. A shock vibrated through the house. Her muscles quaked, and she felt nauseated. Her thoughts turned to her safety. Standing near the door was not a good choice. But there was no safe place in the house. No door would be strong enough to hold back the body slams of this man. She had no weapon with which to protect herself. She was unaware of any guns in the house, not even a baseball bat, as far as she knew. She considered getting a knife from the kitchen but feared that due to her inexperience, fighting with a knife would only make her more vulnerable. The intruder could take it from her and use it against her.

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