Chapter I

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This narrator has returned to tell a new royal story, I do hope that the thought of my final farewell on the story of our dear Duke Richard and the dearest Prince Flynn, has never crossed your mind. Now I am to tell you about the story of a royal which story has lost itself through time and has resurfaced with the introduction of Richard into the royal family.

After the royal wedding and the first months as a royal, King Lazslo has offered the painting from Wölluste Palace that Richard spotted in Das Liebespaar Ball. The painting was also offered with a journal, one that came to my attention and I shall read to you all, dearest readers.

Hauser, Graivänia, 1915

Once upon a time, too far from last time, in the kingdom of Graivänia, a ball was held in the Hauser Palace, one in honour of Prince Manfred and his introduction to society and the betrothal matches.

In the grand halls of the royal palace, the air is filled with an air of excitement and anticipation. Prince Manfred, dressed in his regal attire, stands with his lord-in-waiting, a trusted advisor, as they converse near the entrance to the ballroom. The sound of orchestral music and laughter from the guests inside adds to the vibrant atmosphere.

The ballroom itself is a sight to behold. Known as the Yellow Ballroom, its walls are adorned with intricate golden moldings and large ornate mirrors that reflect the soft glow of countless chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The room is bathed in warm, golden light, casting a romantic ambiance over the gathering.

A polished marble floor, reflecting the elegance of the guests' gowns and the Prince's uniform, awaits the dance. Gossamer curtains of pale yellow and white are drawn aside, allowing a view of the moonlit gardens beyond.

As Prince Manfred engages his lord-in-waiting in conversation, his eyes wander toward a figure entering the ballroom. Princess Sade, resplendent in a flowing gown of sapphire blue, captivates the attention of those around her.

Her graceful movements and radiant smile draw admiring glances from guests and courtiers alike.

Prince Manfred, intrigued by her presence, turns to his lord-in-waiting with curiosity in his eyes. – Heinrich, whom is that enchanting, fair lady making her entrance? I do not recall seeing her at previous events.

– Lady Sade, Duchess of Lagos, Your Royal Highness.

– Interesting. – Prince Manfred retorts as he makes haste toward the young Duchess, she spots him looking and shyly looks around the ballroom.

He extends her his hand; a sly smile escapes his fine peachy lips. – I wanted to have a lady statue standing near the doors, I now see that it wouldn't be as beautiful as you, Lady Sade.

– How do you know my name, Sir?

– Well, I am quite sentient of all things that happen in my palace.

– Oh, you are Prince Manfred, am I correct?

– Positively.

Lady Sade bows down shortly and takes a step far from the Prince.

– Why are you leaving, Your Grace?

– I... I... I actually am not aware of why so.

As the music fills the ballroom, Prince Manfred and Duchess Sade find themselves amidst a whirlwind of waltzing couples.

– Well, do stay then, and give me the pleasure to dance with me. – The Prince, extending his hand with regal grace, invites the Duchess to join him in the dance.

Some attendees carefully assist, ladies fanning themselves with lace hand fans and gentlemen with hands within their tailcoats.

They make their way to the center of the ballroom, where their steps blend harmoniously with the lilting melody. The Prince's confident yet gentle leading pairs perfectly with the Duchess' poised and graceful movements.

Together, they become the epitome of elegance and harmony, capturing the attention and admiration of all those present. Surrounded by the splendor of the Yellow Ballroom, Prince Manfred and Duchess Sade create a moment that seems to transcend time, their dance an enchanting interlude in the grand tapestry of the royal affair. 

... To be published through

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