Chapter X

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– Sade, my love, I couldn't bear to be away from you any longer. – Under the cover of darkness, Prince Manfred sneaks cautiously into the depths of the dimly lit dungeon where Princess Sade is held captive.

– Manfred, how I have missed you, I thought you would never pay me a visit.

– I am sorry, dearest, I couldn't bear to bring myself here to see you like this, though my heart aches for you and your presence is deeply missed.

– I love you so, my dear Prince.

– And so, I love you, my sweet, adventurous Princess, though fate has separated us.

– I know so, my dear Prince.

– I cannot speak further, I must return to the Palace, though I promise to visit you every single day until Lord Harrington decides on your release.

The days go by and through the Prince's promise to pay a visit to his imprisoned Princess, he sees her every single night gifting her with a lavender flower each time, that amounts to a grand carpet bouquet. Unknown to the young couple, fate has a surprise in store for them. Princess Sade discovers that she is with child, carrying the heir of their forbidden love.

The news brings her both joy and anxiety, for their unborn child faces an uncertain future in a world that never accepted their union. She is also visited by her former handmaiden, Lydia, who visits her in the daylight.

– Lydia, I have something to tell you. I'm carrying Prince Manfred's child. – Desperate for guidance and support, Princess Sade confides in a maid.

– Your Highness, this is both joyous and worrisome news. And to think I took part in your despair.

– What are you trying to tell me, dear Lydia?

– I was the one alerting the Queen about the true fact of your heritage, Your Royal Highness.

– The Queen inquired all maids one by one, and I succumbed to her demand. She can be quite pressing.

– I understand, you were pleading your loyalty to your superior, I am disheartened but you have my comprehension.

– I apologize deeply, please let me aid you. I will stand by your side. We shall find a way to protect you and the child. We'll navigate this treacherous path together.

Despite the risks involved, Lydia becomes Princess Sade's confidante and companion throughout her pregnancy. She tirelessly researches and gathers knowledge about prenatal care and devises a plan to protect the Princess and her unborn child. On the day of the long-awaited birth, Lydia executes her plan. Later that night, in the kitchen, Lydia surrounds herself with butlers and other staff members and presents her plead on behalf of Princess Sade.

– We need your assistance. Princess Sade is with child, and we must get her to the safety of the palace. Are you out of your mind? The consequences could be severe if we're caught aiding her!

– I understand your concerns, but we cannot abandon her. Her life and the life of an innocent child are at stake.

– It's a risk we shouldn't take, but... I can't ignore the princess's plight. What do you need us to do?

– We must plan carefully and execute a discreet escape. We'll need your knowledge of the palace's secret passages to navigate unseen.

– I never thought I'd find myself in such a predicament, but I won't let the princess suffer. Count me in.

With the help of a few trusted members of the palace staff they orchestrate a carefully crafted escape. By the moonlight, they spirit Princess Sade away from the dungeons, navigating the palace corridors and evading the watchful eyes of the royal guards. The journey to the palace is fraught with tension, but Lydia's unwavering determination carries them forward.

Along the way, the palace staff, who had initially been reluctant to assist, witness Princess Sade's fortitude and the love she holds for her child. Their hearts soften, and they offer their reluctant but crucial aid. Finally, as the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, Princess Sade is safely brought into the opulent halls of the Palace. In the midst of gasps and whispered rumors, she is given shelter and protection within the walls that had once embraced her.

Lit by the moonlight, Princess Sade, heavily pregnant, is escorted into a lavish bedroom within the palace. The room is adorned with opulent decorations and soft candlelight. Lydia, a compassionate maid, stands beside her. The chamber is filled with the scent of lavender, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity. Princess Sade's handmaidens, trusted advisors, and the royal physician surround her, offering their support and encouragement.

– Princess Sade, this is your temporary abode until your child is born. The midwives will attend to you, and you shall have all the care you need. – Lydia, the handmaiden tells the Princess as she pets the royal forehead.

– Thank you, Lydia. But I can't help but feel anxious. What will become of my baby? – Princess Sade whispers, tearfully as she holds Lydia's hand.

– Your child shall be raised under great protection. We will ensure the child's well-being, my dear. Rest assured; your child will have a bright future.

The midwives begin their tasks, attending to Princess Sade's needs. Slowly she whimpers louder and exhales deeply, her face etched with pain. The midwives surround her, their faces displaying a mix of excitement and concern. The labor pains intensify.

– Push, Princess, just a little more! Your baby is almost here. – A midwife tells as she holds the Princess' legs wide open.

– I... I can't do it. It hurts so much. Please, help me!

– You're doing splendidly, Princess. We're here with you every step of the way. Just a few more pushes. – A second midwife whispers soothingly as she holds the Princess hand.

With one final surge of strength, Princess Sade gives birth to a baby boy. The room fills with the cries of a newborn. The midwives swiftly clean and wrap the baby in a soft blanket before handing him to Princess Sade.

– Congratulations, Princess. It's a healthy baby boy.

– My sweet child... I will love you forever. – Overwhelmed with emotions, Princess Sade whispers as she embraces her newborn child.

As the sun begins to rise, casting a soft golden glow into the room, the midwives and the handmaidens exchange glances. Their expressions turn somber.

– Princess, I'm afraid the time has come for you to return to the dungeons. Remember, this sacrifice is for the greater good. – In a hushed tone, a midwife rushes the Princess out of the bed.

– No, please! I can't bear to leave him. He needs me, and I need him. – Princess Sade clutches her newborn tightly, tears stream down her face.

Reluctantly, the midwives help Princess Sade gather her strength and prepare to leave the palace bedroom. As they exit the room, the sound of her quiet sobbing echoes through the corridor. The baby boy's whimpers match his mother's. Princess Sade is back in the dark, gloomy confines of the dungeon. She sits on a straw mattress, her eyes puffy from crying. The sound of her whimpering fills the air.

– My sweet boy, how I long to hold you again, to feel your tiny heartbeat against mine. Oh, the pain of this separation is unbearable. – She cradles an imaginary baby in her arms, rocking back and forth.

Her voice quivers with longing and sadness. – But I will endure. I will find a way to be reunited with you, my love. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, we will be together again.  

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