Chapter XI

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– My sweet Manfred, I can only wish for you to rule with a kind heart, though recalling your duty, and to write a decree that no further coloured person should be impeded to marry into our family. In all honesty it should be a rule.

In the dimly lit chamber of the royal palace, King Edmund lay on his deathbed, his frail form surrounded by loved ones and the weight of his imminent departure palpable in the air. Prince Manfred, his son, stood by his side, a mix of sadness and determination etched on his face.

As the king's labored breaths filled the room, he reached out a trembling hand towards Prince Manfred. "My son," he whispered, his voice weak but filled with authority.

Prince Manfred, his heart heavy with sorrow, leaned closer, his ear capturing every word that escaped his father's lips. "Speak, Father. Your words are sacred to me."

– When one finds themselves on their deathbed, they feel two distinct emotional journeys. Regret and a final wish.

– What do you regret in your life, dearest papa?

– Listening way too deeply to the dutiful members of my court.

– And what seems to be your final wish, papa?

A flicker of strength illuminated King Edmund's eyes as he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of a lifetime of wisdom. – Promise me, Manfred, that you will rule with a kind heart. Let your decisions be guided by compassion, for the welfare of our people rests in your hands.

Prince Manfred nodded solemnly, his voice trembling as he responded, – I promise, Father. I shall carry your legacy and govern with benevolence.

The king's frail hand tightened its grip around Prince Manfred's, a glimmer of pride shining through his weakened state. "There is one more decree, my son. Write it with your own hand and let it be known throughout the kingdom. No person of color shall ever be denied the opportunity to marry a member of the royal family. Love knows no boundaries, and our kingdom shall embrace diversity and inclusivity."

Prince Manfred's eyes widened with both surprise and admiration. He had always held his father in high regard, but in that moment, he saw a depth of compassion and progressiveness that he had not fully realized before.

– I shall honor this decree, Papa, – Prince Manfred whispered, his voice filled with conviction. – Our kingdom will be a beacon of love and acceptance, where all are free to follow their hearts."

A sense of peace washed over King Edmund's weary face, a glimmer of contentment in his eyes. With his last ounce of strength, he gripped Prince Manfred's hand one final time, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

As the king's eyes closed and his breathing stilled, the room filled with a solemn silence. Prince Manfred stood by his father's side, his heart heavy with both grief and determination. He knew that the task ahead of him would be great, but he would carry his father's wishes in his heart and lead with compassion, love, and the unwavering commitment to a just kingdom.

In the days that followed, Prince Manfred fulfilled his promise. With a steady hand, he wrote the decree, ensuring that love would prevail over prejudice, and that the doors of the royal family would be open to all, regardless of color or background.

And so, the decree became a symbol of change, an emblem of progress, and a testament to the enduring legacy of King Edmund. His words echoed through the corridors of the palace, reaching the hearts of the people and igniting a new era of acceptance and unity in the kingdom.

In the dimly lit chamber of the palace dungeons, the heavy shackles that had bound Princess Sade for what felt like an eternity are finally removed. The weight of her confinement slowly lifts, replaced by a flicker of hope as she prepares to embark on a new chapter of her life. Word has reached the distant kingdom that it was time for her to be repatriated back to Nigeria, her ancestral homeland.

The Painting's Lost Princess: A Falling For Royalty Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें