Chapter II

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Princess Sade finds herself engaged in a clandestine pursuit in the quiet solitude of the palace's private chambers. Surrounded by a carefully arranged array of cosmetic jars and brushes, she is sitting before a mirrored vanity, her reflection staring back at her.

The moon casts a soft glow through the partially drawn curtains, illuminating the room with a dim radiance. In an attempt to enhance her allure, Lady Sade has decided to have her skin painted to an ethereal white, an artful transformation known only to her closest confidantes.

As she delicately applies the first brushstroke of the luminescent paint, a sense of anticipation mingles with the gentle rustle of silk garments. Time seems to slow as if the world outside her chamber is holding its breath.

Unbeknownst to Duchess Sade, the door to her sanctuary creaks open, and a sharp gasp escapes the lips of Lady Genevieve, her trusted lady-in-waiting. A mix of astonishment and concern flashes across Lady Genevieve's face as her eyes fall upon the princess's intricate preparations.

– Your Grace! – Lady Genevieve exclaims, her voice laced with alarm. – What... what is this?

Startled, Lady Sade turns to face her lady-in-waiting, her heart pounding with trepidation. Panic grips her momentarily, fearing that her secret indulgence would be exposed. She searches for words to explain, her voice barely above a whisper. – Genevieve, please understand... I wish to create an ethereal radiance, to embody a timeless beauty for Prince Manfred.

Lady Genevieve's eyes soften with understanding, though her surprise still lingers. She cautiously approaches the Duchess, her voice filled with empathy. – Ma'am, your intentions are noble, but I fear that the consequences of such a clandestine act may outweigh the intended effect. Your natural beauty is already unparalleled, and your love for Prince Manfred shines through without any artifice.

As Lady Genevieve's words resonate within Lady Sade's heart, a mix of gratitude and regret fills her. In that fleeting moment, Duchess Sade discovers that the greatest beauty lies not in external enhancements, but in the genuine love and vulnerability shared between two souls. Still, she embraces her adorned self, ready to embark on a journey of love and acceptance with Prince Manfred.

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