Introduction to Y/N

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[Y/N will be using the pronouns they/them/theirs just so its gender-neutral :))]

Y/N is a 19 1/2 streamer.

They started streaming around 17 and had gained a good amount of audience.

Of course, they weren't well known as Dream, Mr. Beast, or Ninja. but they still had a good number of followers.

Y/N had around 6.8K on Twitch and 10K on YouTube.

Their streams were filled of Roblox, trolling, goofing off, and horror games.

Although Y/N didn't post much on YouTube, unless it was clips of their streams or compilations of them screaming/raging. surprisingly people just kept following from seeing their streams.

Also, Y/N birthday is August 20th (that may be important later in the story)

Now, Continue on as you will find more about Y/N as you read the story <33

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