Chapter 1

22 1 0

Clementines pov

Another Thursday and i was walking through the town again. I started going on alot of walk's recently, my apartments so boring. I decided on taking a shortcut through the long alley that linked to a river. The alley was bendy and the walls were tall, with buildings behind them. While walking, my phone vibrated, i pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was just some stupid snapchat notification, some Louis guy had added me. I opened snapchat and inspected his name for a minute before a loud bang infront of me made me jump. I looked up to see a girl with a bandanna covering her face and her hood up, but with all that i still noticed her emerald green eyes. They weren't hard to miss. Aswell as a bag on her back. I was wondering where the hell she came from so i looked up, seeing a ladder that lead down from the top of the building.

Oh great, lovely day to be robbed.

I stood there, kinda shocked for a minute before she finally noticed me after fixing her bag. She immediately looked shocked after noticing me.

"Oh, hey." She mumbled.

All i did was give her a small nod. She wiped the dirt and debris off of her knees while i did.

"You didn't see cops around did you?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Alright well if you see them, you didn't see me." She said while running off past me.


I continued on my walk down the alley and soon reached the end of it.

What the hell was she doing up there?

I looked up to where she was after exiting the alley, to see which roof she was on and that was when i noticed it. She was spray-painting and she wasn't actually bad at it. It was her tag but it was neon blue and wasn't quite finished, but still extremely noticeable. Aswell that would explain the bag, bandanna and her hood up.


I continued on my way home while noticing many cops, probably looking for that girl. I wouldn't have ratted her out if they had asked me, after all i wouldn't want anyone ratting me out for it. After another 10 minutes of walking i must have seen at least 5 cops.

She must be famous or something for that. Cops are definitely pissed at her.

I swung open my apartment door, and slumped down on the chair after throwing on some food. I opened snapchat and saw i had a new message from James. James is nice, he only lives a few blocks from me and hes kinda my only friend. I'm not very social and i don't talk alot.

James: Hey orange

Me: fuck off james

James: My bad. So how was your walk?

Me: weird, i was going down some alley and this girl just jumped in front of me from a ladder

Me: she didn't notice me at first but when she did she was so casual about it and i found out she's the one who spray paints all those neon symbols

James: Oooo interesting

James: You and her could work on a piece together

Me: i don't really do that stuff anymore y'know

James: Bullshit, i know you still do it

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