chapter 4.

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We all walked down the hallway, in the order of Felix, Violet and myself. Felix was treading lightly and i was following his steps, i wasn't worried about the cult, but i would rather not agitate them. Before we reached the cave that led where the cult was, Felix stopped at the entrance of it and held his finger to his mouth, indicating for us to be quiet. Violet rolled her eyes and kept walking foward, which i found funny, but i stopped beside Felix. He pointed in toward the cave and i saw a glimpse of the cult. There was a man, in front of many people and and they were all worshiping something, something that i didn't see because i moved out of the way before they seen me. Whatever they were worshiping, im not sure i want to know what it is. We kept on walking in silence down the hall before Violet took a right and i followed. It led us to a massive hallway, that giants could walk through. The roof was around 15m above me and the walls were spaced out at least 10m. I found it really cool and i was looking around at every detail while Felix and Violet were laughing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Doesn't take much to amaze you." Violet chuckled.

"No, it does not." I chuckled, still checking out the place.

"Well come on, we're nearly there." Felix said.

I was led to another cave which was alot skinnier and seemed like some of it had collapsed which didnt scare me, i found it cool. Once we reached the end of the cave, i saw a small hole in the wall that led down in a slide form. I could see to the bottom of it, although it was dark i could still see a smooth concrete floor.

"Ladies first." Felix said.

"Why thank you." Violet said sarcastically while climbing into the hole, feet first.

I copied what she did and i almost slid down the hole, it was alot more comfortable that the other one. When i reached the end, the lights flickered on. They must be motion sensor lights.

"What is this place?" I asked, looking around.

"Some underground operation that the government were in on, but they got busted and the place was shut down and covered over. They don't know this place is still using power though." Violet chuckled.

"Holy shit." I mumbled, still looking around.

"Cool huh?" Felix chuckled.

"Really cool." I nodded.

Violet put her bag down and unzipped it, pulling out two cans of spray-paint, one in each hand. "It's go time." She chuckled.

"I need to do something before we start, ill be back in a minute." Felix said while walking down the hall.

"And what might that be?" Violet asked.

Felix just shrugged while smiling and i laughed at that, so did Violet but she seemed like she was used to it. While waiting on Felix to come back, i sat up on a small table that was up again the wall.

"Pretty cool huh." Violet said while turning to face me.

"Yeah, really cool. How'd you find out about this place?" I asked.

"Felix brought me to it while we were stoned, we got lost a few times though." Violet chuckled, while jumping up on the table beside me.

"You smoke weed?" I chuckled.

"Fuck yeah i do." Violet chuckled while turning to face me. "Do you?"

I nodded my head while pulling a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. I handed one to Violet and she took it.

"I do.. well did alot more than just pot." I said while lighting Violets cigarette.

"Really?" Violet asked.

Violentine (non apoc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ