chapter 3

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The next morning, i woke up in a room i had never been in before. I shrugged it off for a moment before i fully realised. Last night was a blur and I had no idea where i was. I got up out of the bed, and was still fully clothed.

Thank fuck.

I saw my shoes but didn't put them on, i slowly opened the door to reveal a long hallway with 6 doors, 3 each side and mine was the very last one on the left. I tip-toed down the hall, not paying attention to much but then i landed my eyes on a photo sitting on a table at the start of the hall. It was of Louis and what looked like his parents. I picked it up and started to inspect it closer, making sure my mind wasn't playing tricks to keep me from panicking.

"I look horrible in that picture." Louis chuckled, sneaking up behind me.

I jumped at the remark and almost dropped the photo but i put it back before speaking.

"Is this your house?" I asked.

"Yeah, you like it?" Louis asked.

"You live in a mansion. Really nice." I noted.

"Ill give you a tour some other time but for now i've to get back to breakfast." Louis said as he turned for the stairs and i followed him down to the kitchen.

No one else was downstairs and I started to wonder if maybe I went back to Louis's and we... no. I wouldn't do that even if i was blackout drunk.

"How'd you enjoy last night?" He asked.

"I don't remember most of it." I shrugged.

"Yeah neither do I." He chuckled.

"How'd I end up here anyway?" I asked, still skeptical.

"Oh, we all came back here last night. Everyones just still asleep." Louis said.

Oh thank god.

"So, do they always come back here?" I asked.

"Most of the time, or to Violets apartment." He shrugged.

"Cool." I noted.

He noticed my lack of answers and maybe he though I was uncomfortable with the whole thing but I wasn't. It seemed normal, and it was nice.

"Im sorry if you feel uncomfortable, i can drop you home if you want?" He offered while frowning.

"No, no i don't feel uncomfortable it's okay, i'm just not the most talkative person but it's kinda nice." I smiled.

"Whats nice?" He asked.

"Having friends, and people to go out with." I said while fiddling with my fingers. "I'm not social or anything, so this is nice."

"You're always welcome out with us, you're good fun to be around." Louis smiled and i did too at the compliment. "Also i'm sorry if i gave you the wrong impression, the first time i met you."

"It's fine." I chuckled. "At least you had the balls to ask me out."

"What can i say? I'm a risk taker." He chuckled while waving the spatula he was holding around.

Im glad he confronted the elephant in the room, it wasn't bothering me but it definitely shattered whatever awkwardness was setting between us.

"So, will you come out with us more?" He asked.

"Probably yeah." I smiled.

"Good." He smiled. "Breakfast?"

"Yes please." I said.

He started to put out food for us and more on different plates which i assume are for the others when they get up.

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked, trying to get out of my comfort zone and start a conversation.

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