chapter 2

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The next day i woke up around 11am. I worked up until 1 last night and got along good-ish with Brodys friends. I eventually got up at 11:27am and walked to the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of coffee when i got to the kitchen. After sitting down at the table, i pulled out my phone and saw i had a new friend request on snapchat, Sophie Leigh. I added her back and swiped back out of the requests, seeing I had a message from Brody.

Brody: That wasn't too bad was it???

Me: 🤷🏽‍♀️

Brody: And that means..?

Me: they're cool

Me: ish

Brody: Cool enough to come out with us tomorrow night?

Brody: Louis wants you to come too

Me: might sit this one out

Brody: Oh come on

Brody: Pretty please

Brody: It'll be good fun, we'll get drunk and you can get to know them

Me: dunno brodes

Brody: Just one night, actually come out with us and get to know them

Me: will you piss off if i say yeah?

Brody: You won't hear from me until tomorrow🖐️

Me: fine

Before she could respond i swiped out of the chat. I didn't really want to meet them again, yeah they were cool but im not the most social person. I turned off my phone and sat in silence as i finished my coffee. Around 20 minutes later, i was leaving my apartment to go for a walk. I put in my earphones and started to walk through a small path that cut through a field to town. While walking, i thought about that same alley i went down yesterday, the alley where i saw that girl. After thinking for a while, i decided on going up to the roof where she was. I wanted to see her piece close up, after all it did look good from afar. Around 10 minutes later, i was climbing up the ladder and nearly at the top. Heights never really bothered me, but this roof was extremely dodgy looking. I slowly walked up the tiles, trying not to misplace my foot but then I heard something, a can shaking and the little metal ball inside rattling.

Oh shit. Is she here?

After a minute of debating wether to turn back, i continued. I was already halfway up this roof, might aswell continue. I came to the peak and put my hands in my pockets, that was when i saw her. She didn't have her hood up this time, just the bandana tied around her head that covered some of her hair, but i already knew it was Violet. She had the same blonde hair she did last night and she was infact wearing the same jeans.

"So you're the one doing all this?" I said, chuckling slightly.

She jumped at that remark and grabbed her bag, but she saw me before she booked it, realising i wasn't a cop. She dropped her bag back to the floor and let out a few sighs of relief.

"Clementine, you scared the shit out of me." She said, nervously.

"My apologies." I chuckled slightly while shuffling toward her, trying not to fall on the uneven tile.

"So you've solved the case." She said while pulling her bandana down to her neck.

"Didn't take me long." I shrugged, chuckling. "Nice work."

"Thanks, just finishing up cause i got busted yesterday." She said while wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Are you the one leaving these tags all around the town?" I asked.

Violentine (non apoc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن