Headcanon Dump (1)

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*Canada freaks out when he hears a whistle at night.

*Australia hates birds, all birds. She calls them "demons".

*Guyana is buff.

*America has thalassophobia.

*South Sudan is the youngest out of all the countries. He's a toddler compared to the CENTURIES OLD GIANTS!

*America DESPISES fast food, but he eats it because it's convenient and he hates himself.

*The Holy Roman Empire was intersex, but identified as female.

*Chile has a fear of fire.

*Australia once gifted Yui a shark-tooth-necklace since Yui loves marine biology. It's not something that she would be into, but she accepted and appreciated Aussie's gift.

*Germany is a huge dog person. She 2 German Shepherds and a Doberman.

*Columbia, Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and New Zealand bird-watch together.

*Hana and America exchange comics and video games together.

*Britain LOVES the Baby-Doll Goth aesthetic. Makes her feel young and fancy.

*Ancient Egypt had very curly hair before she shaved it for a wig. A few decades before her death, she kind of gave up. Floof. :D

*Aussie has a dachshund named, Sausage. He's an older, disabled dog that she rescued.

*America is scared of thunder, and so is his pitbull, Rosey, so they would cuddle everything there's thunder.

*America is just causally writing diss tracks because he has a LOT of things to say.

*Romania loves wearing tradgoth clothing.

*Romania has a giant cross in her house. To stab the ground—

*Romania loves reading about religious rites and exorcisms. She loves reading about monsters too. Omg girl, same—

*America likes eating bugs sometimes. Scorpion lollipops are his favorite.

*America and Australia share a braincell. They won't admit it, but they do.

*Canada has two tattoos, both of them have the names of his two exes. Yeah, he should cover them up—

*Poland loves the organ.

*America can play the piano, but chooses not to play it often because ✨trauma✨.

*Ireland is the one true cottagecore dilf! /j

*Wales has a lizard named Montay.

*France ADORES her son, but Canada is just always awkward around her. Yeah, she has a favorite.

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