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As soon as Carina and Maya's apartment door opened, I knew I was going to like it here. From the books I've read, I knew that this was a lucky fit for me. A Series Of Unfortunate Events for example. Those kids were always ending up in the wrong places. But these people in front of me were not my Count Olaf.

Maya drew the blinds and turned on the lamp in the corner, giving the room a comfortable glow. It gave the frames on the wall a shadow and the plants on the coffee table a sort of warmth. It was cozy.

Carina showed me to the spare room. This was the place for me. It was cold and bare and looked as if it hadn't been inhabited for years and yet, it still had a comfort to it. The bed in the corner had a yellow blanket on it and a pile of their unfolded clothes.

After settling in, Carina ran a bath for me and put a large top to sleep in on the bed.

"You need to sleep, Astrid. It's been a long day for you sweetheart," said Maya as she took the duvet and wrapped me in it. And under one hush of her voice, I fell asleep.


The next day arose with a quiet groan from the vacuum in the next room. Desperate to flood in, the light waited outside the curtains. Voices were coming from the kitchen and the clatter of cutlery. It was a sweet sounds to wake up to. It made you feel at home. The crunch of a loaf of bread drew me out of bed.

Maya and Carina were both doing various house chores and I felt an impulsive urge to join. They didn't see me until they did.

"Good morning," I said rubbing my eyes. I'd practiced last night what I would say in the morning, but still I thought it was a bit too forward.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" asked Maya

"Yes thank you."

"Would you like some bread?" Carina asked but I could see she already had a slice on a plate for me, spread it thick with butter. It looked amazing.

"I'm taking a day off today so I thought we could visit your sister," said Maya. That was the most amazing news!

"Hannah! Really?"

"Um... No I think she said Winnie. Said she was begging for you."

"Wait what? I thought she was back home?" I said. It felt weird being so far away from her. Them all actually. And I had no idea where the others were, which killed me. I was like a mother to them their while lives.

"I got a call from Missy Lawrence this morning and they said she moved to where Hannah is because a space opened up. You'll see them both at once," she said, grinning manically at her masterful plan.

I returned the happiness and took the bread. This was what family was supposed to feel like. It was miraculous.

The morning was rushed. Everyone was brushing teeth, doing hair or putting on makeup. It was a beautiful kind of chaos though if you knew the sort. I layed my bed and sorted an outfit for today. Maya had bought me some clothes (I have no idea when) along with some clothes she had from other kids staying here at one point or another. A short, knitted sweater and a pair of beige corduroy pants.

Afternoon came just as quickly when it was time to leave for northern Seattle. I was unbearably excited to see the girls I think Maya and Carina were thinking of giving me up already. But that wasn't my main thought.

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