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After the first week at school I was feeling tired. Like how I felt when Ellie, Leslie and Benji were babies. Mom's first triplets and she was exhausted from the birth. That never passed. All week we had been piled on with homework. Bonnie helped me as I had missed out on so much school before but it didn't help much.

Today was going to be my first day properly visiting the fire station. Of course I'd been here before, but I'd like to think that time didn't count. Today was clinic day and Maya said I could help out. I was going to be Carina's assistant. A learning experience.

I lied in bed waiting for my alarm to go off as the sun rose.


There it was. I got up and got dressed immediately before heading to the kitchen where Carina and Maya were.

"Good morning, bella, how did you sleep?" said Carina.

"Good, thank you. What's for breakfast?" I said.

"Since today is like an anniversary of when we first met you," Maya said, "we've got pancakes!"

She showed me the plate of pancakes next to her while Carina washed and sliced berries. I started getting cutlery and plates and cups for the table with a smile on my face.

"So we need to get to the station around nine fifteen so we can help set up the clinic," said Maya to both of us.

We nodded and Maya brought the pancakes over.

"So... who's excited for today?" said Maya, her excitement growing bigger.

"Me!" I said raising both my hands.

"Good, because there is a lot for you to help out with," said Carina.

I nodded to show that I was up to the challenge.

The clock turned 8:30 and we went to go get ready. I brushed my teeth a little too thoroughly and got changed into a pair of formal beige trousers and a white blouse with frills. Similar to what Carina was wearing. I got my boots on and we all got out the door before nine.

The streets were packed and so were the roads. It seemed there was a traffic jam leading up to the middle of town. It was going to be hard to get to the station that was for sure. It took us the whole of seven minutes to get out of the parking space and into the traffic. Maya and Carina were getting restless so I tried to make conversation to take their minds off it and calm their nerves before they started shouting at the road and honking at the other drivers. The other girls at school in Pullman told me that's what their parents did. I was always jealous that they had good parents at all but I do have to admit that this is a bit stressful and annoying.

"So what's a typical day like at the clinic?" I asked.

Carina sighed.

"Well we get lots of ill people so we will have to wear masks, okay? We also get pregnant women coming in so you can help me with the ultrasounds."

"Cause you definitely get a lot of women," said Maya to Carina with a smug look.

"Oh are you jealous?"

"Ha! No! Just pointing it out," said Maya, who was obviously offended.

Before she could reply, Carina started shouting at the cars in Italian with the added hand gestures. I could see Maya smiling at her.

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