The Beginning

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He looked around and stopped to look at his mother, Inko. Inko had died hundreds of years before he was killed, so how was it that Izuku was looking straight at her? He seemed to have regained his emotions (or at least some of them) after seeing a loved one after so long and burst out in tears.

Izuku: (M-Mom!!)

He tried to cry out to her, but he later realized that he couldn't speak. All that came out was loud babbling. He became confused and decided to take a closer look at himself. He saw tiny fingers and toes and realized that he barely had any control over his body. He was a baby.

As months passed, Deku realized that he was in the past, or rather, he was reborn as a baby again. He could tell that he still had one for all, as well as his ghoul powers(don't ask me how, it's anime logic), though he couldn't use either due to his infantile and untrained body. His first two years were used to relearn information about his environment and to formulate a plan on what to do to save the future. Around the age of three, his craving for human flesh also returned. At first, he didn't want to worry his mom, so he planned to just eat whatever it was Inko gave him and just throw it up later in secret, before going in search of a body to eat, but after a while, he realized that human food didn't actually do any harm to his body. Sure, it still tasted bad, but he could handle some terrible food in order to make his mom happy. To satisfy his hunger for flesh, he would sneak out at night when his mom was asleep and eat the bodies of suicide victims. He always made sure to wait until the absolute last moment to do this though, as one, there was a limit to the number of bodies he could eat before he would eventually run out of his supply, and two, eating human flesh wasn't very "heroic" in the eyes of society, and he couldn't risk getting caught.

As for why he could eat human food, since Deku was reborn in the past, he didn't have any actual ghoul DNA in him, but rather, his own neural DNA had mutated to be able to adapt to being a ghoul in his past life, and that mutated DNA is what he had kept with him. His body was completely that of a child, but his brain, on the other hand, was from that of his previous life. (His left eye still went all black and red when he used his ghoul powers though.) Due to this, Izuku didn't need as much flesh to survive, or any to be honest, but his brain was wired to make him go manic without human flesh, so he was forced to feed at least once every month or so, twice if he were to over exhaust his body.

Now, would Izuku Midoriya really be Izuku Midoriya, if he wasn't constantly training? Izuku still had this deep-rooted fear that he would forever be too weak. Too weak to survive, too weak to take down villains or ghouls, too weak to protect everyone. He knew it was unreasonable, considering how strong he was before, but his experience from his past life left him traumatized. He often had nightmares, about losing those he loved, flashbacks of his most traumatizing memories, but he no longer had his emotionless mindset to act as his shield. He felt crushed. Constantly trying not to bend under the weight of his trauma and failing. But of course, he never let anyone know. Not even his own mother. He hid it behind the flawless mask of his sunshine smile, perfected during his years in disguise. Because of course he should handle it alone. He's lived for centuries goddammit, he should be strong enough to handle this. Strong enough to handle the weight of the world on his tiny little shoulders. Strong enough to make sure that the future filled with death and carnage never comes to pass.

In order to prepare for the future, to train and make sure he was strong enough, he asked his mom to sign him up for martial arts classes at the ripe old age of 3. He was a prodigy in the eyes of everyone, mastering lessons that would take months in the span of a couple days, or even hours. But he still felt inadequate. He felt as if his mastery of the martial arts was a given because of his experience, that he shouldn't be praised for something so simple, forgetting that he is, in all technicality, a 3 year old child. He continuously worked himself to the bone, training his strength, endurance, stamina, reflexes, resistance, self-control, and even his pain tolerance any time he could. Of course, he also kept his excessive training hidden. In an effort to make sure he never worries Inko, he would only complete his most rigorous training schedules in the dead of night. He would pretend to sleep and then go out in the middle of the night to train after Inko fell asleep. Because of Izuku's rigorous training, however, one, even two bodies a month were not enough to satiate his "hunger (that's not really hunger)". He needed to feed every week to compensate for the exhaustion and lack of sleep he put his body through, and he only lasted that long because of his abnormal self control. Any normal ghoul would have had to feed every day.

Izuku spent a whole year training, feeding, and protecting his secrets, making sure he never worried his mom, while also making sure he made progress with his training and abilities (ghoul and quirk). He had completed his plan, which he believed to be flawless. He would train, keeping his quirk and abilities a secret until the end of his middle school years. Then he would get attacked, meet All Might, and tell him about Ofa. If All Might were to believe him, Izuku would tell him about his "past" and everything he has been through, and hopefully gain All Might's version of Ofa, in an effort to strengthen his own Ofa quirk. He'd go to UA and, hopefully, alter the course of the future, effectively saving the world. That's what was supposed to happen, and everything was going great! Everything was on track to follow the plan with no problems and it seemed like nothing could get in Izuku's way.....until he turned 4.

This chapter was mainly just a sneak peek into Izuku's early childhood and his thoughts and fears. Next chapter we'll get into the quirk checkup and whatever happens after (I think). I know this one is kinda short, but I really wanted the quirk doc visit to be another chapter.

Hope y'all have a good day and don't forget, Laughter is the best medicine.😋


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