The quirk

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    It soon came time for Izuku's 4th birthday. On any other birthday, Izuku would have been happy and excited, since he got to spend time with his mom and bakugo, or kacchan as Izuku liked to call him. But this wasn't any normal birthday, this was the day Izuku went to get his quirk checked. He was anxious and scared that the doctor would pick up one for all and that he would be exposed. But there was one crucial thing that Izuku Midoriya forgot. What that thing is? Well, we'll see won't we?

Inko: Izuku come down! We're going to the quirk doctor!
Izuku: C-coming mom!
Inko: What's wrong, are you not excited?
Izuku: N-no that's not it, nothing's wrong.

    He spoke quickly and nervously, afraid of what was to come at the doctor's office. He had spent years of his life keeping his secrets hidden and he had prayed today was not the day one of them would come out. He had just prayed for the wrong one.

    As they drove closer and closer to the doctor's office, Inko came to the realization that her son was afraid. This was a rather odd sight for inko to see. This was because Izuku rarely ever seemed scared or surprised, almost like he knew what was going to happen before it actually happened. There were times when Inko wondered if Izuku could see the future, but she brushed it off once she realized it was impossible. Inko was now rather curious as to what it was that could scare her son so much, but whenever she asked him, Izuku only brushed it off by changing the topic.

    They had reached the quirk doctor's office and Izuku was sweating bullets. He was absolutely petrified from fear that the doctor would find one for all and announce it to the world. Once they got inside, mama Midoriya checked them in and they waited in the sitting area, but at this point, inko was starting to get seriously concerned about her son's behavior.

Inko: Izuku, honey, are you alright? You seem scared, I've never seen you like this before.

    Her eyebrows wrinkled in concern, her eyes glistening with worry as she watched her son stiffen up to a concerning degree.

Izuku: I'm fine mom! Just, you know, nervous, about my quirk!

   Izuku fidgeted with his fingers as he spoke. I mean, sure he was undercover for centuries and probably had the best poker face in the world back then, but let's just say, four year old Izuku with all his emotions back isn't the greatest at lying to his loved ones. . . . Which might pose a problem in the future. . . . Who knows.

N e wayz(yes I misspelled it on purpose), after a few minutes it was time for Izuku's appointment.

Doctor: the Midoriya's? Are the Midoriya's here?
Inko: yes that's us!
Inko: come on Izuku it's time for us to go. Are you ready?

No. No he most certainly was not. But, well, inko didn't need to know that.

Izuku: Yup! Let's go

He tried to sound as if he was excited, you know, like every other kid would have sounded, but, well, Izuku just sounded like he was determined to face his biggest fear. :/

All three, the doctor and both Midoriyas, got inside the doctor's office for Izuku's check up.

Doctor: Hello, I'm Dr. Shinigawa. Little Izuku is here to get his quirk checked, correct?
Inko: Yes sir
Doctor: Well then, are you ready Izuku? I'm gonna have to give you a little shot, it won't hurt much, I promise, but it will force activate your quirk, so we can see what it is. Once it's activated, I can use my quirk to find out what it is and what it does. Then, we can catalogue it in the database and tell you all about it. Just in case your quirk is dangerous and acts up, we'll have you sit in a different room while we wait for the shot to do it's thing. Are you ready?

Izuku's pov:
    HOLD UP! WHAT THE FUCK?! THIS IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME! 1. We have a different doctor, probably cause we scheduled for a later appointment. 2. There was no shot last time, they just did some blood work and took an x-ray, could it be because of the doctor's quirk? Probably. 3. What the fuck do I do? If I get that shot, there are way too many things that could go wrong. It could activate one for all and I could blow up, but they probably have a fail safe against quirks that harm the user like that. But what if they don't? Let's not think about that. What if it activates ghoul? I get that it's not really a quirk, but it was discovered to be synthetically engineered once the scientists got enough info on it, so it might still classify as one and activate. That would be a problem for not just me but everyone here. OMG WHAT IFIACCIDENTLYHURTMAMAORTHEOTHERPATIENTSIDontwanttohurtanyoneomgthisistoodangerousomgomgomgomg*mumblemumbkemumble*

3rd person pov:
Doctor: Are you ready?
Izuku: *mumblemumble*
Inko: Izuku?, Izuku baby, you're mumbling again. *sigh* I'm so sorry doc, it's just a bad habit of his, IZUKU!
Izuku: HUH, Oh yes? Sorry was I mumbling again?
Inko: yes you were, are you okay? You've been acting weird all morning.
Izuku: yeah, I'm fine mom, sorry.
Doctor: Well, now that you've calmed down, are you ready for your shot Izuku?
Izuku: NO
Doctor: What?
Izuku: I- I mean, *sigh* look I can't get the shot.
Doctor: and why not? If you're scared, you don't have to be, it won't hurt.
Izuku: it's not that, it's just, I . . . I already know my quirk.
Doctor&Inko: Wait what?
Inko: you already got your quirk? Why didn't you tell me?
Izuku: I- *sigh* my quirk isn't "normal" or "heroic", it's . . . My quirk is called ghoul, or that's what I call it. It allows me to control tentacle like kagunes that come out of my lower back. It also gives me immensely enhanced physical abilities, like speed, strength, reflexes, eyesight, so on and so forth.
Inko: B-
Izuku: please, mom, let me finish.

    Izuku takes a deep breath, feeling guilty for cutting off his mother, and preparing for what he's about to say.

Izuku: As a side affect of my immense power, my body requires a vast amount of nutrients. So much so, that normal food doesn't give me enough of the nutrients I need. As a result, my brain has deemed it, well, useless.
Doctor: Well, then, if normal food isn't your source of fuel, how do you get your nutrients?
Izuku: . . .
Inko: Izuku . . .

     Izuku looks to be on the verge of tears, too scared of his mother's reaction to what he's about to say. It may have been 4 years now, but he still feels as if he just got her back. He doesn't want to lose her over something as stupid as a quirk. But he has no choice, he refuses to lie to her.

Izuku: I eat human flesh.

    He waited and watched with baited breath, as his mother's eyes grew large and fearful. The doctor's too, but, well, he doesn't matter. Inko stared at Izuku, nearing tears at this point, as she tried to speak, Izuku growing more anxious by the second.

Inko: do- how-

    She takes a shaky breath as she prepare her question.

Inko: how do you get the flesh?

I'm so sorry it took this long to update, I kinda forgot I didn't publish this chapter 😅. I wanted to add more, but this feels like a good place to stop.

Hope y'all have a good day and don't forget, Laughter is the best medicine. 😋


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