Chapter One - Escaping

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Kaya POV
Tigger warning

My life is one of sadness and hardship. I Dont let it define me but it does affect my everyday life, I am quite and reserved and struggle to be social.
You see I'm a slave hard to believe in the 21st Century but it's the truth.
When I was 6 my Mumma sold me to her drug dealer, out of all my owners Lucas was the nicest, he was mean but never hurt me, always feed me and even sent me to school!

When I was 12 years old I walked in on his best friend killing him ... he then sold me and it went on and on .... Beside Lucas this owner has had me the longest... he's not so bad he doesn't touch me sexually ... he sure does beat my arse and always reminds me he owns me, I work in his diner and he puts a roof over my head and gave me a car but that's so I could to errands for him, I was a true Cinderella except with out loving parents and a fairy god mother.

I'm currently sitting in my car with all my worldly possessions trying to find the courage to walk into the diner I've worked at for the last 4 years for my last shift cause I know when it is over, I will be leaving everything I have known for the last seven years behind. I have slowly but surly taking money from the till for the last 18months such small amount that my owner thinks nothing of it I have $1200 saved not really enough...  but it will have to do!!

You can do this! I know I can do this! He won't do or say anything cause he doesn't know I'm leaving! Right big girl pants on here we go.

I walk into work head down and make my way out back to put my stuff away and get my apron on. As I make my way back through to the front I hear my name being called... "KAYA!"
I try to ignore his calling but then I can hear him following me down the hall.
I shy and follow him into the office I leave the door open and stand just inside the door.
I keep my head down but raise my eyes to look at the one person who I despise more than myself.
"What do you need Sir?"
"Close the door as this conversation is private!"
I don't move I'm to scared too, he's giving me that look that makes my Palms sweat and and my fingers twitch and my feet shuffle.

David huffs walks around me and I have to move so he doesn't touch me.
With my the next breath I being slammed up against the door. My cheek pressed against the door and my back to his front I can feel him pushing his groin into my arse and I feel the bile rise into my throat.

"Do not push me Kaya!! Have I not always been good to you! Helped you when needed? Been the daddy you never had? Come on baby dont be a Brat now"
He's keeps pushing his groin into my arse and I hate that I can feel is erection, I new this day would come. Hence the reason I'm leaving, finally going to be free of men and there degrading acts against me!

"It's just one night and then we will both have what we need.."
I breath in deep then in try too speak the words I know that will make him let me outa this office but also try not to vomit at the same time.

"I..I ..kk know ...dav..vid"-. I hate stuttering but when Im feeling overwhelmed it always happens.. I will do it ...o.k please let me get on with my shift!"
He laughs loudly and rubs his hand down the side of my face then shoulder and squeezes it "good girl!
You don't know how much this means to me!" moves back with a sickening smile on his face. Be back here at seven tonight! Make sure you where the white dress and red shoes I got you!

Remember it's only for one night now get on out there the rush is starting.
Rushing outa the office and getting out front to get this day over with. I need to get the fuck outa here!

As the day goes on I can feel David watching me it makes my skin crawl but I do my best to ignore it. Half hour before my shift was over and I knew I could escape this nightmare unfolding, Lewis the cook call my name and asked if I wanted dinner before leaving. David turn to watch me answer. "No thanks Lewis I'm not feeling the best today."
Lewis gave me a look then side glanced at David shaking his head. He mumbles something under his breath, but I can't quite catch what it was he muttered.
As he went back to filling orders, David walked up behind me and leans in to speak softly in my ear,"Kaya,"-you should eat something, cause you are going to need your energy for tonight." he licks my ear from bottom to top and chuckles as he walks away. A shiver runs down my spine as I close my eyes tight I take a deep breath as I open my eyes.

Turning and looking at his big fatty face and greasy hair "Sir can I get off shift a little early so I have a little more time to get ready for tonight ?"
David looks at me and can see him thinking, I can see he's about to say no ... thinking quick I say
"I need to grab a few things on way home before later."
He huffs walking towards the office as he comes back I watch as Lewis watches the exchange, David hands me the a $20 "get a move on and don't be fucking late" as he is walking away. I let a breath out I was holding "thank you I won't be sir"
"7pm Kaya"
I nod my head and rush out back to get my stuff as I walk back through the diner, I look up and I see Lewis watching me. I think he knows I'm leaving he gives me a smirk and wave I do the same saying .... "See ya later, alligator." Lewis laughs and responds with "in awhile, crocodile."
Lewis has been cook for the last 6 months and if I'm being honest with myself I'm kinda sad to be leaving him he has been my only friends and

I make it to my car and reach in my purse to grab my key and unlock the car, I open the drivers door and as I'm putting my bag in on the passenger seat, I feel someone behind me. I pause.... trying to turn I feel the hit to the side of my head... I scream out and then try to turn again but I am kicked in the arse I fall forward into the seat my knees hit the asphalt and I cry out.. my heart and head are pounding I'm not able to get my bearings its all happening so fast. Feeling pressure on back and feel someone grab the back of my dress they're pulling me agents them, my dress has ridden completely up. Feeling hands on the thighs, I try to scream, hoping someone will hear and come help me but it's muffled by the seat I feel my panties ripped from my waist. Im struggling, I'm screaming. Their fingers are being forced into me... it hurts! This can't be happening!!
Please... please someone help me!!!!

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